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[英]How to display fluentvalidation error message on view

I've a fluent validator as below 我有一个流利的验证器,如下所示

public class test

 public class testvalidator: AbstractValidator<test>
     public testvalidator()
     public ValidationFailure testvalidationmethod(test t)
        return ValidationFailure("","error occurred in test validation method ");



Usage 用法

  testvalidator tv = new testvalidator();
  var result =tv.(test); 

I can see the error message in the result.Errors . 我可以在result.Errors看到错误消息。 But I want to display the error message on the view. 但是我想在视图上显示错误消息。 I tried Html.ValidationSummary() with true and false . 我用truefalse尝试了Html.ValidationSummary() But didn't work. 但是没有用。 What need to be done to display on the view? 需要做什么来显示在视图上? I was reading tutorial . 我在看教程 But it shows how to display on the console , which is hardly required in the real application. 但是它显示了如何在console上显示,这在实际应用程序中几乎不需要。 How do I make it work? 我该如何运作?

There is a method named AddToModelState , which needs to be called to add errors to ModelState . 有一个名为AddToModelState的方法,需要调用该方法才能向ModelState添加错误。 After that errors started showing up in the view. 之后,错误开始显示在视图中。

Usage 用法

public ActionResult DoSomething() {
  var customer = new Customer();
  var validator = new CustomerValidator();
  var results = validator.Validate(customer);

 results.AddToModelState(ModelState, null);
 return View();

Source of above fluentvalidation on github . 上面fluentvalidation在github上的来源。 Look at Manual Validations. 查看手动验证。

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