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如何使用 FluentValidation 覆盖 int 的默认错误消息?

[英]How to override the default error message for int using FluentValidation?

I have a problem with overriding the default error message when validating an InputNumber .我在验证InputNumber时遇到覆盖默认错误消息的问题。 When the field is empty, I get the following message:当该字段为空时,我收到以下消息:

"The field FieldName must be a number.". “字段 FieldName 必须是数字。”。

The documentation says you should call WithMessage on a validator definition.该文档说您应该在验证器定义上调用WithMessage I tried calling WithMessage on NotEmpty and NotNull as shown below but it doesn't change the default message and I didn't see any other method that could check if the field is a number.我尝试在NotEmptyNotNull上调用WithMessage ,如下所示,但它不会更改默认消息,而且我没有看到任何其他方法可以检查该字段是否为数字。

RuleFor(model => model.FieldName)

Any help is much appreciated, thanks.非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢。

The messages specified with WithMessage() are only used when the preceding validation fails, in your case NotEmpty() and NotNull() . WithMessage()指定的消息仅在前面的验证失败时使用,在您的情况下为NotEmpty()NotNull()

The error your are receiving "The field FieldName must be a number."您收到的错误"The field FieldName must be a number." indicated that the value received is not a number while the property FieldName is a numeric type.表示收到的值不是数字,而属性FieldName是数字类型。

I have a problem with overriding the default error message when validating an InputNumber.我在验证 InputNumber 时遇到覆盖默认错误消息的问题。 When the field is empty, I get the following message:当该字段为空时,我收到以下消息:

Well, let's consider few things in regards of int .好吧,让我们考虑一些关于int的事情。 It shouldn't allow empty value if you define data-type as int .如果您将数据类型定义为int ,则不应允许空值。 Thus, in case of InputNumber we have no logical ground for .NotEmpty() .因此,在InputNumber的情况下,我们没有.NotEmpty()的逻辑依据。

Logic: 1: Either, we should check if it is a null only when we would allow null value.逻辑: 1:要么,只有当我们允许 null 值时,我们才应该检查它是否是null For isntance:例如:

public int? InputNumber { get; set; }

So we can handle as below:所以我们可以如下处理:

.WithMessage("Null Is not accepted")

Logic: 2: Or we can check if the InputNumber is valid input.逻辑: 2:或者我们可以检查InputNumber是否是有效输入。 In this scenario we can do something like:在这种情况下,我们可以这样做:

 .WithMessage("InputNumber must be greater than 0.");

Complete Scenario For An int? int 的完整场景? InputNumber:输入号码:

public class OverrideDefaultErrorMessageForInt : AbstractValidator<User>
        public OverrideDefaultErrorMessageForInt()
                 RuleFor(x => x.InputNumber)
                .WithMessage("Null Is not accepted")
                .WithMessage("InputNumber must be greater than 0.");

Output: Output: 在此处输入图像描述

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