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MS Access:使用级联字段加入

[英]MS Access: JOIN using Concatenated Field

I have a query with a JOIN on a couple Fields (ID_1 & ID_2). 我在两个字段(ID_1和ID_2)上有一个JOIN的查询。

  • ID_1 can never be Null ID_1永远不能为空
  • ID_2 can be Null or Not Null. ID_2可以为Null或Not Null。
  • ID_1 & ID_2 in combination is Unique ID_1和ID_2组合在一起是唯一的

My issue: The JOIN is not producing the desired result when ID_2 is Null 我的问题:ID_2为Null时,JOIN无法产生预期的结果

Can I JOIN on the concatenation of ID_1 & ID_2 at query time? 我可以在查询时加入ID_1和ID_2的串联吗? A few feeble attempts have not helped. 一些微弱的尝试没有帮助。

I'd prefer not to create a new Index in the 2 tables as one of them does not belong to me. 我宁愿不要在2个表中创建新索引,因为其中一个表不属于我。

Thanks for any advice. 感谢您的任何建议。

Simplified version of my query: 我的查询的简化版本:

SELECT Table1.ID_1, Table1.ID_2, Table1.Name, Table2.ID_1, Table2.ID_2, Table2.Owner
FROM Table1 
LEFT JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.ID_2 = Table2.ID_2) AND (Table1.ID_1 = Table2.ID_1);

Using the query above, I see ID_1, ID_2 & Name from Table1, but nothing from Table2 when ID_2 is null 使用上面的查询,我看到表1中的ID_1,ID_2和名称,但是当ID_2为空时,表2中没有显示任何内容

Sample ("Alternative") Data: :) 样本(“替代”)数据::)

Table1: 表格1:

ID_1   ID_2    Name
A001           ACME Corp
A001   B001    ACME Medical
A001   B002    ACME Pharmacy
A002           General Electric Corp
A003           Philips

Table2: 表2:

ID_1   ID_2    Owner
A001           Bob
A001   B001    Lori
A001   B002    Becky
A002           Ravi
A003           Joe

When I LEFT JOIN, I expect to marry the info across the 2 tables. 当我离开JOIN时,我希望将信息与2张桌子一起使用。 The issue as describe presents the following result - ONLY joining in Owner when both ID_1 and ID_2 are both non-Null (Owner = Null is not the correct result): 所描述的问题会产生以下结果-仅在ID_1和ID_2都非null时才加入所有者(Owner = Null不是正确的结果):

Joined (Incorrect Result): 已加入(错误结果):

ID_1   ID_2    Name              Owner   
A001           ACME Corp
A001   B001    ACME Medical      Lori
A001   B002    ACME Pharmacy     Becky
A002           General Electric
A003           Philips

Lets go over JOINS: 让我们来看看JOINS:

INNER JOIN - Only displays COMMON ROWS between both tables. 内部联接 -仅在两个表之间显示通用行 If the joined table has NULL in the COMMON FIELD YOUR JOINING ON , the row is not displayed. 如果联接的表在“ 的联接的公共字段”中为NULL,则不显示该行。

LEFT JOIN - All rows from the left table included. 左联接 -包括左表的所有行。 Non-Matched entries from the right table will have NULL 右表中的未匹配条目将为NULL

RIGHT JOIN - All rows from the Right Table included. 右联接 -右表中的所有行都包括在内。 Non-Matched entries from the left table will have NULL 左表中的未匹配条目将为NULL

FULL JOIN - All rows from left and right table included. FULL JOIN-包括左表和右表的所有行。 Non-Matched entries from left and right table will have NULL. 左右表中的未匹配条目将为NULL。

Using a LEFT JOIN will give your desired result. 使用左联接将给您想要的结果。

Select A.ID_1
From tableA A
ON A.ID_1 = B.ID_2  

If you must live with the deficient table design, you might try a query like this: 如果必须使用不足的表设计,则可以尝试这样的查询:

SELECT Table1.ID_1, Table1.ID_2, Table2.OtherInfo
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON ((Table1.ID_2 = Table2.ID_2) AND (Table1.ID_1 = Table2.ID_1))
OR ((Table1.ID_1 = Table2.ID_1) AND Table1.ID_2 IS NULL AND Table2.ID_2 IS NULL)

Consider the following variations. 考虑以下变化。 Choose the easiest to maintain or most efficient type. 选择最容易维护或最有效的类型。

Union Query 联合查询

First SELECT capture records with matching ids ( ID_1 = ID_2 ) and second SELECT captures records where only ID_1 match but ID_2 IS NULL in both tables. 第一个SELECT捕获具有匹配ID( ID_1 = ID_2 )的记录,第二个SELECT捕获两个表中只有ID_1匹配但ID_2 IS NULL记录。

SELECT t1.ID_1, t1.ID_2, t1.[Name], t2.Owner
FROM [Table1] t1 
INNER JOIN [Table2] t2 ON t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1 AND t1.ID_2 = t2.ID_2


SELECT t1.ID_1, t1.ID_2, t1.[Name], t2.Owner
FROM [Table1] t1 
INNER JOIN [Table2] t2 ON t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1

Alternatively, consider single SELECT statements: 或者,考虑单个SELECT语句:

Explicit Join (with OR in ON clause) 显式联接 (在ON子句中使用OR

SELECT t1.ID_1, t1.ID_2, t1.[Name], t2.Owner
FROM [Table1] t1
INNER JOIN  [Table2] t2 ON (t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1 AND t1.ID_2 = t2.ID_2)
      OR (t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1 AND t1.ID_2 IS NULL AND t2.ID_2 IS NULL);

Implicit Join (query with no explicit JOIN ) 隐式联接 (没有显式JOIN查询)

SELECT t1.ID_1, t1.ID_2, t1.[Name], t2.Owner
FROM [Table1] t1, [Table2] t2
WHERE (t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1 AND t1.ID_2 = t2.ID_2)
   OR (t1.ID_1 = t2.ID_1 AND t1.ID_2 IS NULL AND t2.ID_2 IS NULL);

Each above should return (but not necessarily in same order) the following output: 以上每个都应返回(但不一定以相同的顺序)以下输出:

-- ID_1     ID_2    Name                    Owner
-- A001             ACME Corp               Bob
-- A001     B001    ACME Medical            Lori
-- A001     B002    ACME Pharmacy           Becky
-- A002             General Electric Corp   Ravi
-- A003             Philips                 Joe

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