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[英]A-Frame cursor with transparent image has a wrong draw order

I have a transparent image cursor, that is, an image that is a child of the camera. 我有一个透明的图像光标,即一个相机的孩子的图像。

    <a-image position="0 0 -1" width="0.2" height="0.2" transparent="true" src="image.png">

I'm having a tough time getting it to appear above other transparent images (such as the dinosaur). 我很难让它出现在其他透明图像(如恐龙)之上。 I'm seeing odd artifacts: 我看到奇怪的文物:


If used with material="depthTest: false;" 如果与material="depthTest: false;" it appears behind other transparent images: 它出现在其他透明图像后面:


There's a lot of material on StackOverflow about transparency with Three.js, but non of it pertains to A-Frame. StackOverflow上有很多关于Three.js透明度的材料,但不属于A-Frame。 I did try playing with the renderOrder property on various objects with no luck. 我确实尝试在各种对象上使用renderOrder属性而没有运气。

How can I solve this? 我怎么解决这个问题?

Relevant codepen: 相关代码:

https://codepen.io/OpherV/pen/oBqgBa?editors=1000 https://codepen.io/OpherV/pen/oBqgBa?editors=1000

So as it turns out, sortObjects is explicitly changed to false by A-Frame, even though in ThreeJS it's true by default. 事实证明, sortObjects被A-Frame 明确地改为 false,即使在ThreeJS中它默认是真的。 I'm not sure why, as this isn't documented anywhere. 我不知道为什么,因为这没有在任何地方记录。

It took a while to find this out but knowing this the solution is quite simple: 需要一段时间才能找到它,但知道这个解决方案非常简单:

document.querySelector('a-scene').renderer.sortObjects = true;

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