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gRPC - 一元调用 C#

[英]gRPC - Unary Call C#

I am trying to learn gRPC by making a simple project server/client which the client send 2 Int Variable and the server will responed with a string and the 2 variable that the client sent The Protocol Buffer code is :我试图通过制作一个简单的项目服务器/客户端来学习 gRPC,客户端发送 2 个 Int 变量,服务器将响应一个字符串和客户端发送的 2 个变量,协议缓冲区代码是:

syntax = "proto3";
option  csharp_namespace = "MapPB";

service MapRoute {

    rpc Gps(Location) returns (LocationName) {}

message Location {

    int32 la = 1;
    int32 lo = 2;

message LocationName {

    string Name = 1;


using Grpc.Core;
using static MapPB.MapRoute;
using MapPB;

namespace gServer
    public class gS : MapRouteBase
        public override async Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)

            return await base.Gps(new LocationName { Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo } );


    class Program
        const int Port = 50051;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Server server = new Server
                Services = { MapRoute.BindService(new gS()) },
                Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }

            Console.WriteLine("Map server listening on port " + Port);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server...");




using Grpc.Core;
using Map;
using static MapPB.MapRoute;

namespace Map
    class Program : MapRouteClient

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Channel channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

            var client = new MapRouteClient(channel);

            int la = 1;
            int lo = 2;

            var reply = client.Gps(new MapPB.Location { La = la , Lo = lo });


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


Am getting an red squiggle at the server code under .Gps.Gps下的服务器代码处出现红色波浪.Gps

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'context' of 'MapRoute.MapRouteBase.Gps(Location, ServerCallContext)'没有给出对应于“MapRoute.MapRouteBase.Gps(Location, ServerCallContext)”的所需形式参数“context”的参数

I tried to add context to the parameter but I got another error我尝试向参数添加context ,但出现另一个错误

cannot convert from 'MapPB.LocationName' to 'MapPB.Location'无法从“MapPB.LocationName”转换为“MapPB.Location”

can someone explain what wrong am doing Please ?有人可以解释一下我在做什么吗?

Your service function implementation should look like:您的服务功能实现应如下所示:

public override async Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
    return new LocationName { Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo };

The idea is that the function is automatically invoked whenever a client calls it.这个想法是每当客户端调用该函数时都会自动调用它。 It passes you the defined parameters (location here).它传递给你定义的参数(位置在这里)。 You are expected to return the result - which is the location name here.您应该返回结果 - 这是这里的位置名称。

What you did wrong here was delegating the processing to the base class instead of handling the request yourself.您在这里做错的是将处理委托给基类而不是自己处理请求。

As an update on Matthias247's answer, I would prefer to see it like this (even tho his answer is also correct):作为 Matthias247 答案的更新,我更愿意看到它(即使他的答案也是正确的):

public override Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
        return Task.FromResult(new LocationName
            Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo

And change your client to async:并将您的客户端更改为异步:

static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Channel channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

        var client = new MapRouteClient(channel);

        int la = 1;
        int lo = 2;

        var reply = await client.GpsAsync(new MapPB.Location { La = la , Lo = lo });


        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


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