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gRPC - Unary Call C#

I am trying to learn gRPC by making a simple project server/client which the client send 2 Int Variable and the server will responed with a string and the 2 variable that the client sent The Protocol Buffer code is :

syntax = "proto3";
option  csharp_namespace = "MapPB";

service MapRoute {

    rpc Gps(Location) returns (LocationName) {}

message Location {

    int32 la = 1;
    int32 lo = 2;

message LocationName {

    string Name = 1;


using Grpc.Core;
using static MapPB.MapRoute;
using MapPB;

namespace gServer
    public class gS : MapRouteBase
        public override async Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)

            return await base.Gps(new LocationName { Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo } );


    class Program
        const int Port = 50051;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Server server = new Server
                Services = { MapRoute.BindService(new gS()) },
                Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }

            Console.WriteLine("Map server listening on port " + Port);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server...");




using Grpc.Core;
using Map;
using static MapPB.MapRoute;

namespace Map
    class Program : MapRouteClient

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Channel channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

            var client = new MapRouteClient(channel);

            int la = 1;
            int lo = 2;

            var reply = client.Gps(new MapPB.Location { La = la , Lo = lo });


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


Am getting an red squiggle at the server code under .Gps

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter 'context' of 'MapRoute.MapRouteBase.Gps(Location, ServerCallContext)'

I tried to add context to the parameter but I got another error

cannot convert from 'MapPB.LocationName' to 'MapPB.Location'

can someone explain what wrong am doing Please ?

Your service function implementation should look like:

public override async Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
    return new LocationName { Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo };

The idea is that the function is automatically invoked whenever a client calls it. It passes you the defined parameters (location here). You are expected to return the result - which is the location name here.

What you did wrong here was delegating the processing to the base class instead of handling the request yourself.

As an update on Matthias247's answer, I would prefer to see it like this (even tho his answer is also correct):

public override Task<LocationName> Gps(Location request, ServerCallContext context)
        return Task.FromResult(new LocationName
            Name = "Your Location is " + request.La + ":" + request.Lo

And change your client to async:

static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Channel channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

        var client = new MapRouteClient(channel);

        int la = 1;
        int lo = 2;

        var reply = await client.GpsAsync(new MapPB.Location { La = la , Lo = lo });


        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


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