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[英]List of Lists in Immutable.js

I want to have list of lists and push element to it, but I keep getting list with no elements and I can't think of the reason why. 我想拥有列表列表并向其推送元素,但是我一直在获取没有元素的列表,我想不出原因。

I start with 我开始

List([ List([]), List([]) ]);

and I want to have 我想要

List([ List([2,4]), List([3,6]) ]);

The code I have is the following: 我的代码如下:

const { List } = require('immutable')

list = List([ List([]), List([]) ]);


When I run it, it prints out: 当我运行它时,它会打印出来:

List [ List [], List [] ]

There are no elements in the lists. 列表中没有元素。

Of course there will be no elements in the List . 当然, 列表中没有元素。

When you do 当你做


You are not mutating the element at the position 0 by pushing 2 into it as you're assuming, you're getting a new List that is the result of doing that operation, that's the point of Immutable, instead of mutating the original collection you get a fresh new one. 你是不是在位置变异的元素02成其为你承担,你得到一个新的List就是这样做操作的结果,这是不可改变的点,而不是突变的原始集合你换一个新的。

This is how you do what you're trying to do with Immutable: 这是您要对Immutable进行的操作:

const { List } = require('immutable')

list = List([ List([]), List([]) ]);
list = list.set(0, list.get(0).push(2));
list = list.set(1, list.get(1).push(3));
list = list.set(0, list.get(0).push(4));
list = list.set(1, list.get(1).push(6));


List [ List[2, 4], List[3, 6] ] 列表[List [2,4],List [3,6]]

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