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结构和char **

[英]Struct and char**

I am completely new in C programming recently I started looking a bit more into pointer and I have encountered a problem with my code. 我最近在C编程中是全新的,我开始更多地研究指针,我遇到了代码问题。

So I try to pass a string to a char** that is into a struct but I am always getting errors. 所以我尝试将一个字符串传递给一个结构中的char** ,但我总是遇到错误。 Thanks in advance here is some code 在此先感谢这里是一些代码

This is the struct I used. 这是我使用的结构。

typedef struct Queue {
int capacity;
int front;
int rear;
int size;
char **car_id;

And this is what I try to put into it. 这就是我试图加入的内容。 Inside the first if you can see I try to strcpy but fails. 如果你能看到我尝试strcpy但失败了。 Even if I put & or *. 即使我把&或*。

    printf("Printing the contect of the TXT file\n");
int countS=-1,countQ=-1;
char line[10];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("car.txt","r");
if (fp == NULL) {
    printf("Error: File doesn't exist exiting the programm!");

        line[strlen(line)-2] = 0;
       }else if(line[(strlen(line))-2]=='S'){
        line[strlen(line)-2] = 0;
        SBoat->top = countS;


It's very easy to mess up memory allocation and deallocation with a struct. 使用结构很容易搞乱内存分配和释放。 So it's best to always write new and destroy functions for every struct. 因此,最好始终为每个结构编写new和destroy函数。

/* To avoid confusion, it's best to declare structs as type definitions
   and name them Something_t. Capital letter to avoid conflict with
   built in types, _t to note that it is a type, and to avoid conflict
   with other names. */
typedef struct {
    /* Using size_t means less type casting */
    size_t capacity;
    int front;
    int rear;
    int size;
    char **items;
} Queue_t;

Queue_t *Queue_new( const size_t capacity ) {
    /* Use calloc because we have to zero everything anyway */
    Queue_t *queue = calloc( 1, sizeof(Queue_t) );

    /* Allocate enough space to store a list of whatever
       queue->items is a list of */
    queue->capacity = capacity;
    queue->items = malloc( capacity * sizeof(*(queue->items)) );

    return queue;

void Queue_destroy( Queue_t *queue ) {
    /* Since items were copied into the list, it's the queue's responsibility
       to free them */
    for( int i = queue->front; i < queue->rear; i++ ) {
        free( queue->items[i] );

    /* Now free the list of items */
    free( queue->items );

    /* And finally the struct itself */
    free( queue );

Now that the struct has been allocated, and its list of items, you have to make sure not to add too many items. 现在已经分配了结构及其项目列表,您必须确保不添加太多项目。 Your code adding to the queue never checks if it's overrun the queue's capacity. 添加到队列的代码永远不会检查它是否超出了队列的容量。 For this reason, it's best to write a function to add items that will correctly check capacity. 因此,最好编写一个函数来添加能够正确检查容量的项目。

void Queue_add( Queue_t *queue, const char *item ) {
    if( queue->size >= (int)queue->capacity ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Queue capacity of %zu exceeded!\n", queue->capacity);

    /* You used strcpy in your example, so I'm following that.
       You could also not copy and store the original pointer. */
    queue->items[ queue->rear ] = strdup( item );

    /* I don't know if this is right */

The queuing logic might be wrong, I'm not good with queues, but you get the idea. 排队逻辑可能是错误的,我对队列不好,但你明白了。 You could even later extend the queue to automatically resize itself. 您甚至可以稍后扩展队列以自动调整自身大小。

Now you can test those work in isolation. 现在,您可以单独测试这些工作。 Once you're sure they work, you can try reading from a file and using your queue functions. 一旦确定它们有效,您可以尝试从文件中读取并使用队列功能。

int main() {
    char filename[] = "car.txt";
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read '%s': %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));

    /* Just picked a number out of thin air */
    Queue_t *qboats = Queue_new(256);
    Queue_t *sboats = Queue_new(256);

    char line[10];
    while( fgets( line, 10, fp) != NULL ) {
        size_t len = strlen(line);

        /* Choose the right queue to use */
        Queue_t *queue;
        switch ( line[len-2] ) {
            case 'S':
                queue = sboats;
            case 'Q':
                queue = qboats;
                fprintf( stderr, "Can't understand line '%s'\n", line );

        /* Chop off the identifier */
        line[len - 2] = '\0';

        /* Add to the queue */
        Queue_add( queue, line );

    /* Do something with the queues. This should probably be Queue_print(). */
    for( int i = qboats->front; i < qboats->rear; i++ ) {
        printf("qboat: %s\n", qboats->items[i]);

    for( int i = sboats->front; i < sboats->rear; i++ ) {
        printf("sboat: %s\n", sboats->items[i]);

    /* Now clean them up */
    Queue_destroy( sboats );
    Queue_destroy( qboats );

Most of the work is now determining which queue to use. 现在大部分工作都在确定要使用的队列。

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