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[英]Implementing Interface to a Generic method parameter VS Implementing Interface to an method argument

Im quite confused by what i found in a programming course. 我对编程课程中的内容感到很困惑。

In brief - I found a method which has that construction: 简而言之 - 我发现了一种具有这种结构的方法:

    public void MethodA<T>(T a) where T : IComparable

And as far as i know - the same exact effect we can can achive using just this: 据我所知 - 我们可以使用相同的确切效果:

    public void MethodB(IComparable a)

Are those two ways differ from each other somehow and has one of them any advantage over the other? 这两种方式在某种程度上是否有所不同,并且其中一种方式优于另一种方式? If so, how could look a scenario where one of them is better to use? 如果是这样,那么如何才能看出其中一个更好用?

Thanks a lot! 非常感谢!

I was curious so I made a little testcode myself: 我好奇,所以我自己做了一个小测试代码:

public interface ITest
    int Value { get; set; }
public struct TestStruct : ITest
    public int Value { get; set; }

private static void TestMethodGeneric<T>(T value) where T : ITest
private static void TestMethodNonGeneric(ITest value)

And in my main method I use both calls: 在我的主要方法中,我使用两个调用:

TestStruct ts = new TestStruct {Value = 10};

And this is the resulting IL code: 这是由此产生的IL代码:

Non-generic: 非通用:

IL_0031: ldloc.0      // ts
IL_0032: box          Tests.Program/*02000002*//TestStruct/*02000026*/
IL_0037: call         void Tests.Program/*02000002*/::TestMethodNonGeneric(class Tests.Program/*02000002*//ITest/*02000025*/)/*06000002*/
IL_003c: nop          

Generic: 通用:

IL_0059: ldloc.0      // ts
IL_005a: call         void Tests.Program/*02000002*/::TestMethodGeneric<valuetype Tests.Program/*02000002*//TestStruct/*02000026*/>(!!0/*valuetype Tests.Program*//*02000002*//*/TestStruct*//*02000026*//**/)/*06000001*/
IL_005f: nop   

So you see, in the generic version, the specific type is used and therefor no boxing occurs. 所以你看,在通用版本中,使用了特定的类型,因此没有发生装箱。
In the non-generic version, the struct value has to be casted to ITest and so it gets boxed. 在非泛型版本中, struct值必须被转换为ITest ,因此它被装箱。 So the generic version has a (very tiny) performance advantage. 因此,通用版本具有(非常小的)性能优势。

Just my two cents, there maybe other more or less important differences in the two approaches. 只是我的两分钱,这两种方法可能存在其他或多或少的重要差异。

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