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[英]Decode from base64 and execute command

I want to execute command on Linux box, but I should send commands on base64 format.我想在 Linux 机器上执行命令,但我应该以 base64 格式发送命令。

How can I decode base64 string on Linux command and then execute the decoded string?如何在 Linux 命令上解码 base64 字符串,然后执行解码后的字符串?

Use base64 -d :使用base64 -d

# 'string' variable contains a base64 encoded command
command=$(base64 -d <<< "$string"); decode_status=$?
# run the command only if decode was successful
# we shouldn't enclose $command in double quotes in this case
[[ $decode_status == 0 ]] && $command

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