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[英]'if' statement for when two random numbers are equal

I am trying to have a situation in which when we toss two coins at the same, if we get heads on both coins we win and if we get tails on both coins we lose. 我正在尝试一种情况,当我们同时扔两个硬币时,如果两个硬币都正面朝上,则赢了,如果两个硬币都背面朝上,则输了。

I have been able to generate the results of tossing one of the coins separately using: 我已经能够使用以下方法生成抛硬币之一的结果:

def coin_one():
one = [random.randint(1, 100) for x in range(100)]
for x in one:
    if x <= 50:

and also for the second coin using basically the same method: 对于第二枚硬币,也使用基本相同的方法:

def coin_two():
two = [random.randint(1, 100) for x in range(100)]
for x in two:
  if x <= 50:

I am trying to add a condition that will print('win') if we have 'heads' in both coin_one and coin_two when the two coins are tossed at the same time. 我试图添加一个条件,当两个硬币同时投掷时,如果coin_one和coin_two中都有“ heads”,则将打印('win')。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢?

Why not combine both computations under one method, and do the checks in one pass? 为什么不将两种计算都用一种方法结合起来,而检查却要一遍呢? Since you're randomizing a coin flip; 由于您要随机投币; a binary value of 0/1 is enough to represent this probability accurately ( with the added bonus of using their implicit bool values to do the equality checks ). 二进制值0/1足以准确表示此概率( 使用它们的隐式bool值进行相等性检查会带来额外的好处 )。

def coin_toss():
    first_coin_tosses = [random.randint(0, 1) for x in range(100)]
    second_coin_tosses = [random.randint(0, 1) for x in range(100)]

    for first_coin_toss, second_coin_toss in zip(first_coin_tosses, second_coin_tosses):
        if first_coin_toss and second_coin_toss:  # Both 1's
            # We win.
        elif not first_coin_toss and not second_coin_toss:  # Both 0's
            # We lose.
            # if we get a 1 on one coin and and 0 on the other 
            # or vice versa then we neither win nor lose (we try again).

Write two functions that will return random value from 1-100. 编写两个函数,这些函数将返回1-100之间的随机值。 Then write below condition like If firstnum >50 and secondnun>50: Print head Else: Print tail 然后在诸如firstnum> 50和secondnun> 50的条件下写:打印头Else:打印尾

You can achieve your result in one of the following two ways. 您可以通过以下两种方式之一来实现结果。
First method: 第一种方法:
This is straight forward solution. 这是直接的解决方案。 Store all the coin one and coin two results in a list and return it to the calling method and check for the equality. 将所有硬币一和硬币二的结果存储在一个列表中,并将其返回到调用方法并检查是否相等。

Second method: 第二种方法:
You can return (actually yielding) back for each coin 1 and 2 value and check it in the calling method. 您可以为每个硬币1和2值返回(实际收益),并在调用方法中进行检查。

import random

def coin_one():
    one = [random.randint(1, 100) for x in range(100)]
    for x in one:
       if x <= 50:
           #Use yield to return value and also continue method execution
           yield 'Heads' #Add this line
           yield 'Tails' #Add this line

def coin_two():
    two = [random.randint(1, 100) for x in range(100)]
    for x in two:
       if x <= 50:
           yield 'Heads'
           yield 'Tails'

coin_1_result = coin_one()
coin_2_result = coin_two()
for coin_1, coin_2 in zip(coin_1_result, coin_2_result):
    if coin_1 == 'Heads' and coin_2 == 'Heads':

== operator is used to check for equality of two primitive values(int, string) ==运算符用于检查两个原始值(int,字符串)是否相等

yield helps in building a list by sending each result to the calling function without returning or exiting the called method (coin_one() or coin_two()). yield通过将每个结果发送到调用函数而不返回或退出被调用方法(coin_one()或coin_two())来帮助构建列表。

Here zip(a, b) allows two iterables (Example: list) to be iterate at the same time. zip(a,b)允许同时迭代两个可迭代对象(例如:list)。 ie It will return coin_1_result[0], coin_2_result[0] in first iteration and in second iteration it returns coin_1_result[1], coin_2_result[1] and so on. 即,它将在第一次迭代中返回coin_1_result [0],coin_2_result [0],在第二次迭代中将返回coin_1_result [1],coin_2_result [1],依此类推。

Additionally, you can also notice that result of win or loss will be instantly printed after yielding first set of values from both functions. 此外,您还可以注意到,从这两个函数产生第一组值后,赢或输的结果将立即打印出来。

Sample output: 样本输出:
Tails 尾巴
loss 失利
win 赢得

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