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[英]How do I remove noise from this audio file?

I am uploading an audacity project with 2 tracks, the 1st one contains a "bitbit" sound resulted from Speex echo cancellation.我正在上传一个包含 2 首曲目的大胆项目,第一个包含由 Speex 回声消除产生的“bitbit”声音。 I tried to remove the sound using Audacity noise cancellation, didn't work.我尝试使用 Audacity 噪音消除来消除声音,但没有奏效。 Tried equalizer to cut off some high frequency sounds, worked but somehow degraded the sound quality.尝试均衡器来切断一些高频声音,工作但不知何故降低了音质。 Please help how I can clear the noisy audio without significantly degrading quality.请帮助我如何在不显着降低质量的情况下清除嘈杂的音频。 If Audacity doesn't work, any C/C++ library can also be used.如果 Audacity 不起作用,也可以使用任何 C/C++ 库。 Audacity Project 大胆计划


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