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Azure SQL数据库DTU

[英]Azure SQL Database DTU

I have multiple Azure SQL Databases and when I connect to them using SQL Server Management Studio, they all appear to be running on the same VM -- meaning, when I connect to the instance of SQL Server, I see my databases listed in Object Explorer. 我有多个Azure SQL数据库,当我使用SQL Server Management Studio连接到它们时,它们似乎都在同一虚拟机上运行-意味着,当我连接到SQL Server实例时,我在对象资源管理器中看到了我的数据库。

With that said, should I assume that the DTU level set through the portal is only a throttling setting? 话虽如此,我是否应该假设通过门户网站设置的DTU级别仅仅是限制设置? In other words, should I assume that the databases are already running on a pretty powerful instance but based on DTU settings, Azure is throttling up/down allowed requests? 换句话说,我是否应该假定数据库已经在一个非常强大的实例上运行,但是基于DTU设置,Azure正在限制允许的请求的上/下?

I don't think it would make a lot of sense for Microsoft to move a database to a new instance when the DTU level is increased. 我认为,当DTU级别提高时,Microsoft将数据库移至新实例没有多大意义。


DTU is for individual databases, and can range from a small percentage of VM resources to the entire database taking one single machine. DTU用于单个数据库,范围从一小台VM到一小台虚拟机资源到整个数据库。 Azure doesn't guarantee all the databases under one server belongs to one physical sql server instance. Azure不能保证一台服务器下的所有数据库都属于一个物理sql服务器实例。 The databases can potentially spread across multiple sql instances though they belongs to one logical server. 尽管数据库属于一个逻辑服务器,但它们可能会跨多个sql实例分布。 For checks like firewall, it appears the instances cross connect to the master database and query the rules. 对于防火墙之类的检查,似乎实例交叉连接到master数据库并查询规则。

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