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[英]How to find URL subpath?

I dont have any background in ASP. 我没有ASP的任何背景。

So I need to access page 1, 2 and so on from the following link address http://www.itftennis.com/beachtennis/rankings/rankings-full-lists/men.aspx 所以我需要从以下链接地址访问第1,2页等等http://www.itftennis.com/beachtennis/rankings/rankings-full-lists/men.aspx

I tried to use /men.aspx?page=2 and nothing happened. 我尝试使用/men.aspx?page=2并没有发生任何事情。 Also, when I copied the link address from button of page 2 I get this javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$ContentContainerCentre$BaselineContainerCentre$playerrankings_6$grdBeachTennisRankings','Page$2') 此外,当我从第2页的按钮复制链接地址时,我得到这个javascript:__ doPostBack('ctl00 $ ctl00 $ ctl00 $ ctl00 $ ContentPlaceHolderDefault $ ContentContainerCentre $ BaselineContainerCentre $ playerrankings_6 $ grdBeachTennisRankings','Page $ 2')

The expected solution is /men.aspx?page=n or similar. 预期的解决方案是/men.aspx?page=n或类似的。

Is there any way to find URL path for each page from above link address? 有没有办法从上面的链接地址找到每个页面的URL路径?

I see you have tagged javascript. 我看到你标记了javascript。 In JS, you can use 在JS中,您可以使用

window.loacation('link to your successive pages')

or 要么

window.location.href('link to your successive pages')

Look at this answer for more clarification. 请查看答案以获得更多说明。 Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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