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[英]react-native-maps markers in loop are not rendered

I'm trying to learn how to create React native apps for iOS. 我正在尝试学习如何为iOS创建React本机应用程序。 I use react-native-maps package and when I render MapView.Marker statically, it renders to the map properly. 我使用react-native-maps包,当我静态渲染MapView.Marker ,它会正确渲染到地图。 But when I want to render array of markers, nothing happens. 但是,当我要渲染标记数组时,什么也没发生。

export default (props) => {

return (

        latitude: 48.99568000,
        longitude: 21.24220000,
        latitudeDelta: 0.001,
        longitudeDelta: 0.01

    {/* this works */}
          latitude: 48.98975,
          longitude: 21.24697

    {/* this doesn't */}
    props.points.nearby.map(point => {
          latitude: point.lat,
          longitude: point.lng

props.points.nearby array is OK, there are three items props.points.nearby数组还可以,有三项

Solution: 解:

As I realized, ES6 arrow functions with block bodies do not implicity return , so I added return statement to my map callbacks and now everything works well. 正如我意识到的那样, 带有块体的ES6箭头函数不会隐式return ,所以我在map回调中添加了return语句,现在一切正常。

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