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[英]Changing to newest or oldest directory — csh idiom not working in bash

Please let me know why the following command works in csh mode and not in bash. 请让我知道为什么以下命令在csh模式下而不在bash下工作。

Bash: 重击:

~ $ cd `ls -ltr | grep ^d | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}'`
bash: cd: synopsys_cache_L-2016.03-SP5: No such file or directory
~ $ pwd

after changing to csh: 更改为csh后:

~ $ csh
CSH > cd `ls -ltr | grep ^d | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}'`
CSH > pwd

Code that relies on parsing ls is innately bug-prone . 依赖于ls代码天生就容易出错 Don't do it. 不要这样

The below gets a little fancy, reusing the same code to build both cd_newest and cd_oldest functions: 下面的代码有点花哨,重复使用相同的代码来构建cd_newestcd_oldest函数:

cd_by_test() {
  local test=$1 dir best_dir=
  (( "$#" == 0 )) && set -- */
  for dir; do dir=${dir%/}
    [[ -d "$dir" ]] || continue
    [[ $best_dir ]] || best_dir=$dir
    [ "$dir" "$test" "$best_dir" ] && best_dir=$dir
  if [[ $best_dir ]]; then
    cd "$best_dir"
    echo "No directory found" >&2

cd_newest() { cd_by_test -nt "$@"; }
cd_oldest() { cd_by_test -ot "$@"; }

Here, we're setting the operator to use two compare two files by assigning it to the variable $test within the cd_by_test function, and then using [ "$dir" "$test" "$best_dir" ] to apply that operator. 在这里,我们将运算符设置为使用两个比较两个文件,方法是将其分配给cd_by_test函数中的变量$test ,然后使用[ "$dir" "$test" "$best_dir" ]来应用该运算符。

In the recently-amended version, we can also pick between a specific subset of directories: 在最近修订的版本中,我们还可以在目录的特定子集之间进行选择:

cd_newest *-test.d/

...will cd to the newest *-test.d directory. ...将cd到最新的*-test.d目录。

Unsolicited plug for zsh (as justification, I'd suggest considering zsh if you are just interested in moving to a shell other than csh ). 不请自来的zsh插件(作为理由,如果您只想迁移到csh以外的其他外壳,我建议考虑使用zsh )。

% cd *(/om[1])
% pwd

The parentheses following * contain various glob qualifiers : *后面的括号包含各种glob 限定符

  • / limits the match to directories /将匹配项限制为目录
  • om sorts the expansion by modification time om按修改时间对扩展进行排序
  • [1] selects only the first match [1]仅选择第一个比赛

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