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[英]Posterior Predictive Check on PyMC3 Deterministic Variable


What's the right way to do posterior predictive checks on pm.Deterministic variables that take stochastics (rendering the deterministic also stochastic) as input? pm.Deterministic上进行后验预测检查的正确方法是什么?将随机性(呈现确定性也随机性)作为输入的确定性变量?

Too Short; 太短; Didn't Understand 没听懂

Say we have a pymc3 model like this: 假设我们有一个像这样的pymc3模型:

import pymc3 as pm

with pm.Model() as model:
    # Arbitrary, trainable distributions.
    dist1 = pm.Normal("dist1", 0, 1)
    dist2 = pm.Normal("dist2", dist1, 1)

    # Arbitrary, deterministic theano math.
    val1 = pm.Deterministic("val1", arb1(dist2))

    # Arbitrary custom likelihood.
    cdist = pm.DensityDistribution("cdist", logp(val1), observed=get_data())

    # Arbitrary, deterministic theano math.
    val2 = pm.Deterministic("val2", arb2(val1))

I may be misunderstanding, but my intention is for the posteriors of dist1 and dist2 to be sampled, and for those samples to fed into the deterministic variables. 我可能会误会,但我的意图是要对dist1dist2进行采样,并将这些采样输入确定性变量中。 Is the posterior predictive check only possible on observed random variables? 只能对观察到的随机变量进行后验预测检查吗?

It's straightforward to get posterior predictive samples from dist2 and other random variables using pymc3.sampling.sample_ppc , but the majority of my model's value is derived from the state of val1 and val2 , given those samples. 使用pymc3.sampling.sample_ppcdist2和其他随机变量中获取后验预测样本dist2 pymc3.sampling.sample_ppc ,但是给定了这些样本,我模型的大部分值来自val1val2的状态。

The problem arises in that pm.Deterministic(.) seems to return a th.TensorVariable . 问题出现在pm.Deterministic(.)似乎返回th.TensorVariable So, when this is called: 因此,在调用此方法时:

ppc = pm.sample_ppc(_trace, vars=[val1, val2])["val1", "val2"]

...and pymc3 attempts this block of code in pymc3.sampling : ...和pymc3试图在这个代码块pymc3.sampling

    410        for var in vars:
--> 411            ppc[var.name].append(var.distribution.random(point=param,
    412                                                          size=size))

...it complains because a th.TensorVariable obviously doesn't have a .distribution . ...抱怨是因为th.TensorVariable显然没有.distribution

So, what is the right way to carry the posterior samples of stochastics through deterministics? 那么,通过确定性方法携带随机后验样本的正确方法是什么? Do I need to explicitly create a th.function that takes stochastic posterior samples and calculates the deterministic values? 我需要明确地创建一个th.function是采取随机采样后,计算确定性值? That seems silly given the fact that pymc3 already has the graph in place. 鉴于pymc3已经具有图形的事实,这似乎很愚蠢。

Yes, I was misunderstanding the purpose of .sample_ppc . 是的,我误解了.sample_ppc的目的。 You don't need it for unobserved variables because those have samples in the trace. 对于未观察到的变量,您不需要它,因为这些变量在跟踪中都有样本。 Observed variables aren't sampled from, because their data is observed, thus you need sample_ppc to generate samples. 由于不会观察到变量,因此不会对其进行采样,因此您需要sample_ppc来生成样本。

In short, I can gather samples of the pm.Deterministic variables from the trace. 简而言之,我可以从跟踪中收集pm.Deterministic变量的样本。

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