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Python - 树搜索

[英]Python - Tree Search

I am searching for the most efficient tree search implementation in python.我正在寻找 python 中最有效的树搜索实现。 I give the tree search a sequence of length n and it should detect if the branches are already created, or if this is not the case, generate the branches.我给树搜索一个长度为 n 的序列,它应该检测是否已经创建了分支,或者如果不是这种情况,则生成分支。


i1: Sequence 1[0.89,0.43,0.28] i1:序列 1[0.89,0.43,0.28]

      0.89   check
      0.43   check
      0.28   check(last branch, last number of sequence == found)

i2: Sequence 2[0.89,0.43,0.99] i2:序列 2[0.89,0.43,0.99]

      0.89   check
      0.43   check
       |                                           |
      0.28   missing(Creating new branch)         0.99

Considering the order within the sequences is important.考虑序列内的顺序很重要。

The goal is to keep track of a huge range of sequence (seen, unseen).目标是跟踪大范围的序列(可见、不可见)。

Has anyone ideas?有没有人的想法?

You could use an infinitely nested collections.defaultdict for this.您可以为此使用无限嵌套的collections.defaultdict The following function will create a defaultdict , that whenever the requested value is not present will call the same function again, creating another defaultdict , ad infinitum.以下函数将创建一个defaultdict ,每当请求的值不存在时,它将再次调用相同的函数,创建另一个defaultdict ,无限期。

import collections
nested = lambda: collections.defaultdict(nested)
dic = nested()

Now, you can add the sequences to the nested defaultdict.现在,您可以将序列添加到嵌套的 defaultdict 中。 You can do this in a loop, or recursively, or simply use reduce :您可以在循环中或递归地执行此操作,或者简单地使用reduce

s1 = [0.89,0.43,0.28]
s2 = [0.89,0.43,0.99]

from functools import reduce # Python 3
reduce(lambda d, x: d[x], s1, dic)
reduce(lambda d, x: d[x], s2, dic)

Afterwards, dic looks like this: (Actually, it looks a bit different, but that's only because of defaultdict also printing the function it was created with.)之后, dic看起来像这样:(实际上,它看起来有点不同,但这只是因为defaultdict还打印了创建它的函数。)

{0.89: {0.43: {0.28: {}, 0.99: {}}}}

If by "the order of the sequences is important" you mean the order in which the sequences are added, and not the order within the sequences, you will have to use a collections.OrderedDict instead.如果“序列的顺序很重要”是指添加序列的顺序,而不是序列的顺序,则必须改用collections.OrderedDict In this case, the adding of new elements is a bit more involved, but not by much.在这种情况下,添加新元素会更复杂一些,但不会太多。

dic = collections.OrderedDict()

def putall(d, s):
    for x in s:
        if x not in d:
            d[x] = collections.OrderedDict()
        d = d[x]

putall(dic, s1)
putall(dic, s2)

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