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[英]Searching for files in a directory and sub-directories and editing specific lines within those files

Searching for files in a directory and sub-directories and editing specific lines within those files. 在目录和子目录中搜索文件,然后编辑这些文件中的特定行。

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is C8D8-4C1B

Directory of C:\Users\user\Desktop\backup

02/13/2017  03:02 PM    <DIR>          .
02/13/2017  03:02 PM    <DIR>          ..
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          blog
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          css
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          forgot
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          img
02/13/2017  02:21 PM            13,845 index.htm
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          pages
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          photo
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          photos
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          profile
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          signin
02/13/2017  03:11 PM                89 test.bat
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          theme
02/13/2017  02:21 PM    <DIR>          view
2 File(s)         13,934 bytes
13 Dir(s)  74,300,223,488 bytes free

I've searched on stackoverflow for answers and found this code: 我在stackoverflow上搜索了答案,并找到了以下代码:

for /R %f in (index.htm)" do "x"


findstr /v /i "body" index.htm > indexnew.htm

I came up with and failed with this code: 我想出了这个代码,但失败了:

"for /R %f in (index.htm)" do "findstr /v /i "shaw" index.htm >     indexnew.htm"


It fails. 它失败。

I need to manipulate files in main directory and sub-directories with the name index.htm to delete specific lines or lines with the word "shaw" within them. 我需要操作名称为index.htm的主目录和子目录中的文件,以删除其中的特定行或带有“ shaw”字样的行。

  1. You are placing useless quotation marks " at odd positions -- do not do that! 您要在无用的引号上放置" -请勿这样做!
  2. Double the % sign when using for loops in a batch file, like for /R %%f . 在批处理文件中使用for循环时,例如for /R %%f ,将%符号加倍。
  3. for /R does not actually search for matching files when there is no global wild-card like * or ? for /R在没有*?类的全局通配符时实际上不会搜索匹配文件? ; ; so it is better to use for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /B /S "index.htm"') do ... . 因此最好在for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /B /S "index.htm"') do ...
  4. Simply place the findstr command line into the body of the for loop and use the for variable reference %%f as the file name. 只需将findstr命令行放入for循环的主体中for并使用for变量引用%%f作为文件名。
  5. Use redirection to write the output of a command into a file; 使用重定向将命令的输出写入文件; but you cannot specify the same file that is already processed by the command, so you need to use a temporary file and move it onto the original one afterwards. 但是您不能指定该命令已经处理的文件,因此您需要使用一个临时文件,然后将其移至原始文件。

All this means: 所有这些意味着:

for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /B /S "index.htm"') do (
    findstr /V /I /C:"shaw" "%%~f" > "%%~f.tmp"
    move /Y "%%~f.tmp" "%%~f" > nul


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