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[英]why do i get a connection not secure in firefox on wordpress page

I have a wordpress website and on some pages firefox shows a connection not secure error next to my ssl lock . 我有一个wordpress网站,在某些页面上,firefox在我的ssl锁旁边显示连接不安全错误。 Says some content is not secure such as images. 说某些内容不安全,例如图像。

I do not know a thing about checking this stuff. 我对检查这些东西一无所知。 Any instructions would be appreciated. 任何指示,将不胜感激。 https://www.employee-no-more.com . https://www.employee-no-more.com Also does it at my other two websites 我的另外两个网站也有

thank you 谢谢

Make sure that you're website does not include external resources using plain http. 确保您的网站不包含使用纯http的外部资源。 Example: 例:

<!-- Bad -->
<img src="http://host.com/img/bg.png">
<!-- Good -->
<img src="https://host.com/img/bg.png">

EDIT: Quick look at network tab in chrome dev tools reveals this request: 编辑:快速浏览Chrome开发人员工具中的“网络”标签可显示以下要求:

Request URL:http://img.banggood.com/deals/affiliate_member_banner/7a951116de2a4c23c74733d76046a5b413.jpg

So in theory it's possible to see which resource is loading as http through your browser's developer console. 因此,从理论上讲,可以通过浏览器的开发人员控制台查看将哪些资源作为http加载。 But I found this site here to be much easier to use to figure it out: 但是我发现这里的站点更易于使用:

https://www.employee-no-more.com https://www.employee-no-more.com

It's apparently this image, on your site that is causing trouble: 显然是这张图片在您的网站上造成了麻烦:

http://img.banggood.com/deals/affiliate_member_banner/7a951116de2a4c23c74733d76046a5b413.jpg http://img.banggood.com/deals/affiliate_member_banner/7a951116de2a4c23c74733d76046a5b413.jpg

So now you need to figure out who's including it, and make them request the https version... 所以现在您需要弄清楚其中包括谁,并让他们请求https版本...

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

Thank you very much for the information. 非常感谢你提供的信息。 I simply added the "s" on in the links in ads that had only http and it fixed it. 我只是在仅带有http的广告的链接中添加了“ s”,并对其进行了修复。 It was the bangood ads. 那是bangood广告。 Both answers were very helpful and had accurate information that solved the problem. 这两个答案都非常有帮助,并且有准确的信息可以解决问题。

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