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[英]Part of this page are not secure, firefox, wordpress

  • Theme: Astra主题:阿斯特拉
  • Template: brandstore模板:品牌店

Have enabled in cloudflare:已在 cloudflare 中启用:

  • SSL/TLS> Always Use HTTPS SSL/TLS> 始终使用 HTTPS
  • SSL/TLS> Automatic HTTPS Rewrites SSL/TLS> 自动 HTTPS 重写
  • Speed>Auto Minify速度>自动缩小
  • Speed>Brotli速度>布罗特利

I want to remove this problem in my site我想在我的站点中删除此问题


I have deleted the images that think was raising the warning, but it continue showing a warning in console tab of developer tool of the firefox browser.我已经删除了认为引发警告的图像,但它继续在 firefox 浏览器的开发人员工具的控制台选项卡中显示警告。

Use in firefox f12 to open the developer tool, then go to the console tab and check this warning在 firefox f12 中使用打开开发者工具,然后 go 到控制台选项卡并检查此警告

Loading mixed (insecure) display content “http://kauchoplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/banner-03.jpg” on a secure page

and all in the images bellow.以及所有在下面的图片中。


If we click in the url image https://kauchoplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/banner-03.jpg the message is this.如果我们点击 url 图片https://kauchoplus.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/banner-03.jpg消息是这样的。


I am using cloudflare and have self-signed SSL certificate signed in the server.我正在使用 cloudflare 并在服务器中签署了自签名 SSL 证书。

Please help me to know who is requesting that image and remove the conection no secure problem.请帮助我知道谁在请求该图像并删除连接不安全的问题。

I have resolved the problem, deleting a empty container spectra-block.我已经解决了这个问题,删除了一个空容器 spectra-block。


The spectra blocks is installed along with the brandstorm template of the Astra theme.光谱块与 Astra 主题的 brandstorm 模板一起安装。

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