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OpenCV / Python:用于实时面部识别的多线程

[英]OpenCV / Python : multi-threading for live facial recognition

I'm using OpenCv and Dlib to execute facial recognition w/ landmarks, live from the webcam stream .我正在使用 OpenCv 和 Dlib 从网络摄像头流中实时执行带有地标的面部识别 The language is Python .语言是Python It works fine on my macbook laptop, but I need it to run from a desktop computer 24/7.它在我的 macbook 笔记本电脑上运行良好,但我需要它从台式计算机 24/7 全天候运行。 The computer is a PC Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 32bit running Debian Jessie.计算机是运行 Debian Jessie 的 PC Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz 32bit。 The drop in performance is drastic : there is a 10 seconds delay due to processing !性能急剧下降:由于处理延迟了 10 秒!

I therefore looked into multi-threading to gain performance:因此,我研究了多线程以获得性能:

  1. I first tried the sample code by OpenCv, and the result is great, All four cores hit 100%.我首先尝试了 OpenCv 的示例代码,结果很好,四个核心都命中了 100%。 and the performance is much better.而且性能要好得多。
  2. I then replaced the frame processing code with my code, and it doesn't improve performance at all, Only one core hits the 100%.然后我用我的代码替换了帧处理代码,它根本没有提高性能,只有一个核心达到了 100%。 the other ones stay very low.其他的保持很低。 I even think it's worse with multi-threading on.我什至认为开启多线程会更糟。

I got the facial landmark code from the dlib sample code.我从 dlib 示例代码中获得了面部地标代码。 I know it can probably be optimized, but I want to understand why am I not able to use my (old) computer's full power with multi-threading?我知道它可能会被优化,但我想了解为什么我无法通过多线程使用我的(旧)计算机的全部功能?

I'll drop my code below, thanks a lot for reading:)我会把我的代码放在下面,非常感谢阅读:)

 from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import cv2 import dlib from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from collections import deque from common import clock, draw_str, StatValue import video class DummyTask: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data def ready(self): return True def get(self): return self.data if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print(__doc__) try: fn = sys.argv[1] except: fn = 0 cap = video.create_capture(fn) #Face detector detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() #Landmarks shape predictor predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("landmarks/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat") # This is where the facial detection takes place def process_frame(frame, t0, detector, predictor): # some intensive computation... gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8,8)) clahe_image = clahe.apply(gray) detections = detector(clahe_image, 1) for k,d in enumerate(detections): shape = predictor(clahe_image, d) for i in range(1,68): #There are 68 landmark points on each face cv2.circle(frame, (shape.part(i).x, shape.part(i).y), 1, (0,0,255), thickness=2) return frame, t0 threadn = cv2.getNumberOfCPUs() pool = ThreadPool(processes = threadn) pending = deque() threaded_mode = True latency = StatValue() frame_interval = StatValue() last_frame_time = clock() while True: while len(pending) > 0 and pending[0].ready(): res, t0 = pending.popleft().get() latency.update(clock() - t0) draw_str(res, (20, 20), "threaded: " + str(threaded_mode)) draw_str(res, (20, 40), "latency: %.1f ms" % (latency.value*1000)) draw_str(res, (20, 60), "frame interval: %.1f ms" % (frame_interval.value*1000)) cv2.imshow('threaded video', res) if len(pending) < threadn: ret, frame = cap.read() t = clock() frame_interval.update(t - last_frame_time) last_frame_time = t if threaded_mode: task = pool.apply_async(process_frame, (frame.copy(), t, detector, predictor)) else: task = DummyTask(process_frame(frame, t, detector, predictor)) pending.append(task) ch = cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == ord(' '): threaded_mode = not threaded_mode if ch == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows()

Performance issue was due to a bad compilation of dlib.性能问题是由于 dlib 编译错误造成的。 Do not use pip install dlib which runs very very slowly for some reason compared to the proper compilation.不要使用pip install dlib ,与正确的编译相比,由于某种原因它运行得非常非常慢。 I went from almost 10 seconds lag to about 2 seconds this way.通过这种方式,我从将近 10 秒的延迟减少到大约 2 秒。 So finally I didn't need multi-threading/processing, but I'm working on it to enhance the speed even more.所以最后我不需要多线程/处理,但我正在努力提高速度。 Thanks for the help:)谢谢您的帮助:)

i tried a simplified approach like P.Ro mentioned in his answer with processes writing to an output queue but somehow the queue got locked most of the time because all the processes wrote to it at the same time.我尝试了一种简化的方法,如 P.Ro 在他的回答中提到的将进程写入输出队列,但不知何故队列大部分时间都被锁定,因为所有进程同时写入它。 (just my guess) i probably did something wrong. (只是我的猜测)我可能做错了什么。

in the end i ended up using pipes.最后我最终使用了管道。

the code is nasty.代码很讨厌。 but if i was me a few hours ago.但如果我是几个小时前的我。 i would still be glad to find an example that actually runs without effort.我仍然很高兴找到一个实际运行起来毫不费力的例子。

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Manager,Pipe
import multiprocessing
import face_recognition as fik
import cv2
import time

video_input = 0

obama_image = fik.load_image_file("obama.png")
obama_face_encoding = fik.face_encodings(obama_image)[0]

quality = 0.7

def f(id,fi,fl):
    import face_recognition as fok

    while True:
        small_frame = fi.get()
        print("running thread"+str(id))
        face_locations = fok.face_locations(small_frame)

            for (top7, right7, bottom7, left7) in face_locations:

                small_frame_c = small_frame[top7:bottom7, left7:right7]

fps_var =0
if __name__ == '__main__':

        # global megaman
        with Manager() as manager:

            video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_input)

            fi = Queue(maxsize=14)

            threads = 8
            proc = []

            parent_p = []
            thread_p = []
            # procids = range(0,threads)
            for t in range(0,threads):
                p_t,c_t = Pipe()
                proc.append(Process(target=f, args=(t,fi,thread_p[t])))

            useframe = False

            frame_id = 0
            while True:
                # Grab a single frame of video
                ret, frame = video_capture.read()
                effheight, effwidth = frame.shape[:2]
                if effwidth < 20:
                # Resize frame of video to 1/4 size for faster face recognition processing
                xxx = 930
                yyy = 10/16 #0.4234375
                small_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (xxx, int(xxx*yyy)))
                if frame_id%2 == 0:
                    if not fi.full():



                        cv2.imshow('Video', small_frame)

                        print("FPS: ", int(1.0 / (time.time() - fps_var)))
                        fps_var = time.time()

                #GET ALL DETECTIONS
                for t in range(0,threads):
                    if parent_p[t].poll():
                        small_frame_c = parent_p[t].recv()
                        cv2.imshow('recc', small_frame_c)
                        height34, width34 = small_frame_c.shape[:2]
                        # print fsizeee
                            print("face 2 small")
                        face_encodings_cam = fik.face_encodings(small_frame_c,[(0, width34, height34, 0)])

                        match = fik.compare_faces([obama_face_encoding], face_encodings_cam[0])
                        name = "Unknown"

                        if match[0]:
                            name = "Barack"


                frame_id += 1

                # Hit 'q' on the keyboard to quit!
                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Do not have much experience with using ThreadPool, but I always just use Process like shown below.没有太多使用 ThreadPool 的经验,但我总是只使用 Process,如下所示。 You should be able to easily edit this code to fit your needs.您应该能够轻松地编辑此代码以满足您的需要。 I wrote this with your implementation in mind.我写这篇文章时考虑到了您的实施。

This code will get the number of cores and start however many worker processes that will all be implementing the desired function in parallel.此代码将获取核心数量并启动许多工作进程,这些进程都将并行实现所需的功能。 They all share a Queue of frames for input and all put to the same output Queue for the main to get and show.它们都共享一个帧队列以供输入,并都放入同一个输出队列以供主要获取和显示。 Each Queue has a maximum size, in this case 5. This ensures that despite the CPU time it takes to process, it will always be relatively live time.每个队列都有一个最大大小,在本例中为 5。这确保了尽管处理需要 CPU 时间,但它始终是相对活跃的时间。

 import numpy as np import cv2 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import time #from common import clock, draw_str, StatValue #import video class Canny_Process(Process): def __init__(self,frame_queue,output_queue): Process.__init__(self) self.frame_queue = frame_queue self.output_queue = output_queue self.stop = False #Initialize your face detectors here def get_frame(self): if not self.frame_queue.empty(): return True, self.frame_queue.get() else: return False, None def stopProcess(self): self.stop = True def canny_frame(self,frame): # some intensive computation... gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 100) #To simulate CPU Time ############################# for i in range(1000000): x = 546*546 res = x/(i+1) ############################# 'REPLACE WITH FACE DETECT CODE HERE' if self.output_queue.full(): self.output_queue.get_nowait() self.output_queue.put(edges) def run(self): while not self.stop: ret, frame = self.get_frame() if ret: self.canny_frame(frame) if __name__ == '__main__': frame_sum = 0 init_time = time.time() def put_frame(frame): if Input_Queue.full(): Input_Queue.get_nowait() Input_Queue.put(frame) def cap_read(cv2_cap): ret, frame = cv2_cap.read() if ret: put_frame(frame) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) threadn = cv2.getNumberOfCPUs() threaded_mode = True process_list = [] Input_Queue = Queue(maxsize = 5) Output_Queue = Queue(maxsize = 5) for x in range((threadn -1)): canny_process = Canny_Process(frame_queue = Input_Queue,output_queue = Output_Queue) canny_process.daemon = True canny_process.start() process_list.append(canny_process) ch = cv2.waitKey(1) cv2.namedWindow('Threaded Video', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) while True: cap_read(cap) if not Output_Queue.empty(): result = Output_Queue.get() cv2.imshow('Threaded Video', result) ch = cv2.waitKey(5) if ch == ord(' '): threaded_mode = not threaded_mode if ch == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows()

This should do the trick just change my canny function to do your face detection.这应该可以解决问题,只需更改我精明的功能即可进行人脸检测。 I wrote this from your code and compared the two.我用你的代码写了这个并比较了两者。 This is significantly faster.这明显更快。 I am using multiprocessing.Process here.我在这里使用 multiprocessing.Process。 In python processes are truly parallel and threads are not quite because of the GIL.在 python 中,进程是真正并行的,而线程则不是,因为 GIL。 I am using 2 queues to send data back and forth between the main and the processes.我正在使用 2 个队列在主进程和进程之间来回发送数据。 Queues are both Thread and Process safe.队列是线程和进程安全的。

you may use this, multithreaded:你可以使用这个,多线程的:

from imutils.video import VideoStream

# Initialize multithreading the video stream.
videostream = "rtsp://192.168.x.y/user=admin=xxxxxxx_channel=vvvv=1.sdp?params"
vs = VideoStream(src=videostream, resolution=frameSize,

frame = vs.read()

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