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[英]Forcing eclipse to provide stubs for implementation of pure virtual functions in a derived class

The use case in Eclipse: Eclipse中的用例:

C++ code as follows: C ++代码如下:

Create a new class Bar that inherits from class Foo 创建一个继承自Foo类的新Bar类

Class Foo has pure virtual functions. Foo类具有纯虚函数。

Is there a way to force Eclipse to create stubs for the implementation of those pure virtual functions in the newly created derived class? 有没有一种方法可以强迫Eclipse为新创建的派生类中的那些纯虚函数的实现创建存根?

请密切注意https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=303870 ,或者帮助他们实施。

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