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[英]C++ pure virtual functions implementation in derived class

I have a top API (based on abstract class) which is composed by a base API (that will be reused by different top APIs).我有一个顶级API(基于抽象类),它由一个基本API(将由不同的顶级API 重用)组成。

class api_base {
    virtual int foo() = 0;

class api_top : public api_base {
    virtual int bar() = 0;

Then, I want to provide a base implementation for base API:然后,我想为基本 API 提供一个基本实现:

class imp_base {
    int foo() { return 1; }

And finally implement top API using base implementation for those functions defined in base API:最后使用基本 API 中定义的函数的基本实现来实现顶级API:

class imp_top : public api_top, public imp_base {
    int bar() { return 1; }

When I instantiate an object of imp_top type, compiler say that foo() function is not implemented.当我实例化一个imp_top类型的对象时,编译器说foo()函数没有实现。 But that is not true, since imp_top derives from imp_base , which do have foo() function implemented.但事实并非如此,因为imp_top派生自imp_base ,它确实实现了foo()函数。

Any advice about this?对此有何建议?

Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

Full test code:完整的测试代码:

    #include <stdio.h>

    class api_base { 
        virtual int foo() = 0;

    class api_top : public api_base { 
        virtual int bar() = 0;

    class imp_base { 
        int foo() { printf("foo from imp_base\n"); } 

    class imp_top : public api_top, public imp_base { 
        int bar() { printf("bar from imp_top\n"); } 

    int main()
       imp_top a;


       return 1;

Compiler result:编译结果:

    test.cpp:26:12: error: cannot declare variable ‘a’ to be of abstract type ‘imp_top’                                                                                                                                                                                     
        imp_top a;
    test.cpp:18:7: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within ‘imp_top’:
     class imp_top : public api_top, public imp_base {
    test.cpp:5:17: note:  virtual int api_base::foo()
         virtual int foo() = 0;
    test.cpp:29:6: error: request for member ‘foo’ is ambiguous
    test.cpp:15:9: note: candidates are: int imp_base::foo()
         int foo() { printf("foo from imp_base\n"); }
    test.cpp:5:17: note:                 virtual int api_base::foo()
         virtual int foo() = 0;

First Always use override keyword when redefining the functions in child classes.首先在子类中重新定义函数时总是使用override关键字。

Second read about virtual inheritance.第二次阅读虚拟继承。

The following works :以下工作:

class api_base {
    virtual int foo() = 0;

class api_top : public virtual api_base {
    virtual int bar() = 0;

class imp_base : public virtual api_base {
    int foo() override { printf("foo from imp_base\n"); return 0; }

class imp_top : public api_top, public imp_base {
    int bar() override { printf("bar from imp_top\n"); return 0; }

int main(){
    imp_top a;

return 1;

You should have used the override keyword, then you would had noticed that you did not implement the interface but defined an entirely new foo() method.您应该使用override关键字,然后您会注意到您没有实现接口而是定义了一个全新的foo()方法。

You will need to derive both imp_base and api_top from api_base by virtual inheritance.您需要通过虚拟继承从api_base派生imp_baseapi_top


class api_top : public api_base to class api_top : public virtual api_base class api_top : public api_baseclass api_top : public virtual api_base


class imp_base to class imp_base : public virtual api_base class imp_baseclass imp_base : public virtual api_base

Then it works.然后它起作用了。

To understand this, see: virtual inheritance .要理解这一点,请参阅:虚拟继承 And yes (just saw Ext3h's post), use the override keyword.是的(刚刚看到 Ext3h 的帖子),使用override关键字。

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