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[英]How can I list the users with the most similar entries with ArangoDB

I started new project today. 我今天开始新项目。 I have users table, tags table and user_tags edge for graph results. 我有用户表,标签表和user_tags边缘的图形结果。

I attached to users some tags on graph. 我在图形上附加了一些标签给用户。 How can I list the users with the most similar entries with ArangoDB. 如何列出与ArangoDB条目最相似的用户。

For example: 例如:

  • user id: 112 has 3 tags (tags ids: 50, 51, 52, 53) 用户ID:112有3个标签(标签ID:50、51、52、53)
  • user id: 113 has 5 tags (tags ids: 52, 53, 54, 55, 56) 用户ID:113有5个标签(标签ID:52、53、54、55、56)
  • user id: 114 has 4 tags (tags ids: 51, 52, 53, 54) 用户ID:114具有4个标签(标签ID:51、52、53、54)
  • user id: 115 has 2 tags (tags ids: 48, 49) 用户ID:115有2个标签(标签ID:48、49)

When i searched user id 112 user. 当我搜索用户ID 112用户。 The results should be similar to this: 结果应与此类似:

  1. user id: 114 (3 matches, 51, 52, 53) 用户ID:114(3个匹配项,分别是51、52、53)
  2. user id: 113 (2 matches, 52, 53) 用户ID:113(2个匹配项,分别是52、53)

Non-common data should not come within results user id: 115 非常见数据不应包含在结果用户ID中:115

If no one knows arangodb solution, I can use neo4j if there is a solution with neo4j. 如果没有人知道arangodb解决方案,如果有neo4j解决方案,我可以使用neo4j。

Thanks. 谢谢。

In cypher, this is the query : 在cypher中,这是查询:

MATCH (u1:User {id:114})-[:HAS_TAG]->(tag:Tag),
WITH u, collect(id(tag)) AS tags
RETURN u, tags, size(tags) AS score

Cheers 干杯

In ArangoDB, this query will work, so long as you create a graph with users and tags as vertex collections, and user_tags as your edge collection: 在ArangoDB中,只要您创建一个以userstags为顶点集合,以user_tags作为边集合的图形,此查询就可以使用:

LET active_user = FIRST(
    FOR u IN users
    FILTER u.id == @user_id
    RETURN u._id

LET active_tags = (
    FOR v IN 1..10 OUTBOUND active_user GRAPH 'user_tags_graph'
    RETURN (v.id)

FOR u IN users
FILTER u._id != active_user
    LET tags_in_use = FLATTEN(
        FOR v IN 1..10 OUTBOUND u._id GRAPH 'user_tags_graph'
        RETURN [v.id]
    LET tag_matches = (
        RETURN LENGTH(INTERSECTION(active_tags, tags_in_use))
    FILTER FIRST(tag_matches) > 0
    SORT tag_matches DESC
    RETURN {
        [u.id]: INTERSECTION(active_tags, tags_in_use)

It can probably be optimised heavily but breaking it out like this made it easier to understand. 可能可以对其进行大量优化,但是像这样将其分解会使它更易于理解。

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