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[英]When compiling swf files in debug vs. release, what are the performance differences?

Where can i find information on the differences between compiling a swf in release or in debug? 在哪里可以找到有关在发行版或调试版中编译SWF文件之间差异的信息? I would like to know about differences in terms of file size, memory consumption, and overall. 我想知道在文件大小,内存消耗和整体方面的差异。

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The reason nobody has probably ever done stats on this is because the debug mode is only there for testing purposes. 可能没人做过统计的原因是因为调试模式仅用于测试目的。 In other words: it doesn't really matter us if it's a bit slower and bigger as all we are really looking for is to have a reliable end product (ie release version). 换句话说:速度变慢和变大一点对我们来说并不重要,因为我们真正想要的只是拥有可靠的最终产品(即发行版)。

Note that the performance will also vary between players (activeX or not/player version/OS) so it would be almost impossible to nail down any precise numbers. 请注意,播放器之间的性能也会有所不同(无论是否为ActiveX /播放器版本/ OS),因此几乎不可能确定任何精确数字。

Maybe you can explain why you insist on having this information otherwise I suggest you do it your self within the interested context. 也许您可以解释为什么您坚持要拥有这些信息,否则我建议您在感兴趣的环境中自己动手做。

To do so, plug a FPS meter on a performance consuming project and compare the results. 为此,请将FPS仪表插入性能消耗较高的项目中,然后比较结果。

Let us know if you find out something relevant ! 如果您发现相关内容,请告诉我们!

Thanks 谢谢


different in file size different in memory consumption and over all ? 文件大小是否不同,内存消耗是否不同以及总体而言?

That is to be expected. 这是可以预料的。 Debug builds typically include: 调试版本通常包括:

  • debug symbols and miscellaneous information 调试符号和其他信息

  • special checks 特别检查

So they are likely to be: 因此,它们可能是:

  • slower 慢点

  • use more memory 使用更多的内存

Read about Build Phase and more! 了解有关构建阶段的更多信息!

I have found that the loading of RSL libraries is notably slower when compiled with debug on. 我发现使用debug进行编译时,RSL库的加载明显较慢。 Another notable "debug" slowdown is the loading of fonts from another swf. 另一个值得注意的“调试”速度下降是从另一个swf加载字体。

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