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When compiling swf files in debug vs. release, what are the performance differences?

Where can i find information on the differences between compiling a swf in release or in debug? I would like to know about differences in terms of file size, memory consumption, and overall.

Following the comments...

The reason nobody has probably ever done stats on this is because the debug mode is only there for testing purposes. In other words: it doesn't really matter us if it's a bit slower and bigger as all we are really looking for is to have a reliable end product (ie release version).

Note that the performance will also vary between players (activeX or not/player version/OS) so it would be almost impossible to nail down any precise numbers.

Maybe you can explain why you insist on having this information otherwise I suggest you do it your self within the interested context.

To do so, plug a FPS meter on a performance consuming project and compare the results.

Let us know if you find out something relevant !



different in file size different in memory consumption and over all ?

That is to be expected. Debug builds typically include:

  • debug symbols and miscellaneous information

  • special checks

So they are likely to be:

  • slower

  • use more memory

Read about Build Phase and more!

I have found that the loading of RSL libraries is notably slower when compiled with debug on. Another notable "debug" slowdown is the loading of fonts from another swf.

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