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[英]A-frame fadeOut primitives

I've got a trouble with a-frame. 我遇到了镜架问题。 Is here way to remove a component or primitive from scene with delay? 这里是延迟删除场景中的组件或图元的方法吗? Like fadeOut in jQuery? 像jQuery中的fadeOut一样?

should I check every tick for opacity CSS property or special className or smth like that? 我应该检查每个刻度以了解opacity CSS属性或特殊的className或类似的东西吗?

If I want to fadeOut a primitive from ng-repeat , should I use ng-animate and check for .ng-leave class? 如果我想从ng-repeat淡出基元,是否应该使用ng-animate并检查.ng-leave类?

Ideally, I want to declare algorythm in remove() function of my component or primitive. 理想情况下,我想在组件或基元的remove()函数中声明算法。 For example, if I return a Promise in remove() function, then remove Object3D on promise resolve. 例如,如果我在remove()函数中返回一个Promise,则在promise resolve上删除Object3D But that's implemented not in this way, and I've got stuck :( 但这不是以这种方式实现的,我被卡住了:(

look example: http://codepen.io/Disorrder/pen/BWBKpb 看例子: http : //codepen.io/Disorrder/pen/BWBKpb

I may be confused, are you trying to remove it or just fade it out from view? 我可能会感到困惑,您是要删除它还是将其从视图中淡出? You may consider using the built-in Animations with A-Frame. 您可以考虑使用带有A帧的内置Animations Examples here: https://aframe.io/docs/0.5.0/core/animations.html#begin 此处的示例: https : //aframe.io/docs/0.5.0/core/animations.html#begin

This wouldn't remove it, but jQuery (per your second question) does not remove the element on fadeOut() . 这不会删除它,但是jQuery(第二个问题)不会删除fadeOut()上的元素。

http://codepen.io/jdoyle/pen/aJoVJj http://codepen.io/jdoyle/pen/aJoVJj

As far as I can tell, the opacity CSS property will have no effect on objects in the scene. 据我所知,opacity CSS属性不会对场景中的对象产生任何影响。 Because of this, I don't think you will be able to use .ng-leave . 因此,我认为您将无法使用.ng-leave The only way to animate the opacity is through the animation component, or programmatically. 动画不透明度的唯一方法是通过动画组件或以编程方式。

Using the $timeout provider, and knowing the animation duration, you could set something up like this: 使用$timeout提供程序,并了解动画持续时间,您可以进行如下设置:

<a-box ng-repeat="box in page.getActiveBoxes() track by box.id"
         ng-class="{animated: page.animate}"
         rotation="0 45 0"
         width="0.6" height="1" depth="0.6"
  <a-animation attribute="opacity" begin="fadeOut" duration="5000" to="0"></a-animation>

fadeOut() {
  var id = this.getRandomInt(0, this.boxes.length-1);
  document.querySelector('#box-' + id).emit('fadeOut');
  this.$timeout(function() {
    // you can now delete the primitive
  }, 5000 + 50);  // added 50ms for good measure

getRandomInt(min, max) {
  min = Math.ceil(min);
  max = Math.floor(max);
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

It is not the most elegant solution, but I can't really think of another way. 这不是最优雅的解决方案,但我真的想不出另一种方法。

Another disappointment, angular interpolation does not work for duration property of animation. 另一个令人失望的是,角度插值不适用于动画的持续时间属性。 Duration once set, cannot be changed. 持续时间一旦设置,就无法更改。 This will not work: 这将不起作用:

<a-animation attribute="opacity" duration="{{page.animationDuration}}" begin="fadeOut" to="0"></a-animation>

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