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有什么方法可以使UNION ALL运行更快?

[英]Any way to make UNION ALL run faster?

I have a lot of exactly same tables. 我有很多完全相同的表。 TableA,TableB,TableC,TableD etc. which I want to create views from. 我想从中创建视图的TableA,TableB,TableC,TableD等。 Doing select * from TableA takes 20ms, doing select * from tableB takes 20ms, but doing (select * from TableA) union all (select * from TableB) takes over 20 minutes. select * from TableA执行select * from TableA花费20毫秒, select * from tableB执行select * from tableB花费20毫秒,但是(select * from TableA) union all (select * from TableB)需要20分钟以上。 Those tables have exactly same columns. 这些表具有完全相同的列。 Is there any settings in my.cnf that I need to change, or a way to create a view that would run faster? my.cnf中是否需要更改任何设置,或者是否可以创建运行速度更快的视图? All tables have 1.5m to about 10m rows. 所有表都有1.5m至约10m行。

Results of explain 解释结果

PRIMARY TableA  ALL                 28808685    
UNION   TableB  ALL                 15316215    
UNION RESULT    <union1,2>  ALL     Using temporary

Table structure: 10 varchar(20)'s, 5 unsigned INTs. 表结构:10个varchar(20),5个无符号INT。

My guess is that select * from TableA does not take 20 ms. 我的猜测是, select * from TableAselect * from TableA不需要20毫秒。 It takes 20 ms to start returning results. 开始返回结果需要20毫秒。

Although I am going to answer your question, you should revisit your data structure. 尽管我将回答您的问题,但是您应该重新访问数据结构。 Having multiple tables with the same layout is usually a really bad idea. 具有相同布局的多个表通常是一个糟糕的主意。 Instead, you should have a single table with all the rows. 相反,您应该有一个包含所有行的表。

But, you don't seem to have that. 但是,您似乎没有。

Try running the union all without parentheses: 尝试运行union all不带括号的union all

select * from TableA union all
select * from TableB;

MySQL has a habit of materializing subqueries. MySQL有实现子查询的习惯。 I'm not sure if it does this with union all subqueries, but given your description of the problem, that sees likely. 我不确定是否通过合并union all子查询来执行此操作,但是鉴于您对问题的描述,这似乎是可能的。

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