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[英]How to remove an empty object from an array?

I have a JavaScript Array of Objects, on a button click I push an object into the array and then use that as a datasource for a grid. 我有一个JavaScript对象数组,单击按钮时,我将一个对象推入数组,然后将其用作网格的数据源。 The issue I am facing is that initially the first object in the array is all blank values and when I load the grid I have a blank row because of the empty object... How do I remove that empty object from the array before I load the grid? 我面临的问题是,数组中的第一个对象最初都是空值,并且当我加载网格时,由于有空对象,我有一个空白行。如何在加载前从数组中删除该空对象网格?

Here is the array 这是数组

var gridData = {
    step3GridData: [{ Description: "", Color: "", SqSiding: "" }]

and on a button click I am pushing a new object to the array 然后单击一个按钮,将一个新对象推送到数组

gridData.step3GridData.push({ Description: $("#InfoInsul").text(), Color: $("#ddGetInsulationMaterialColor").val(), SqSiding: $("#ddInsulationSquares").val() });


As mentioned, I need to remove that empty object before I bind the load with the array. 如前所述,在将负载与数组绑定之前,需要删除该空对象。 How would I go about doing this? 我将如何去做呢?

Use splice . 使用拼接 If you are certain it is always the first item in the array, you can do: 如果确定它始终是数组中的第一项,则可以执行以下操作:

if (gridData.length && Object.keys(gridData[0]).length === 0) {
  gridData.splice(0, 1);

If you are not certain about its position, you can traverse the array and remove the first empty object: 如果不确定其位置,则可以遍历数组并删除第一个空对象:

for (const [idx, obj] of gridData.entries()) {
    if (Object.keys(obj).length) === 0) {
        gridData.splice(idx, 1);

First, initialize your array like this: 首先,像这样初始化数组:

var gridData = {
    step3GridData: [] // empty array

Then when you are pushing a new object, check if the inputs are filled like this: 然后,当您推动一个新对象时,检查输入是否像这样填充:

var desc = $("#InfoInsul").text();             // this seems unnecessary as this is not left to the user to fill (if I'm assuming right then don't check if this is empty)
var col = $("#ddGetInsulationMaterialColor").val();
var sqs = $("#ddInsulationSquares").val();
if(desc.length && col.length && sqs.length) { // if desc is not empty and col is not empty and sqs not empty then add an object
    gridData.step3GridData.push({ Description: desc, Color: col, SqSiding:  });

Now if the user left something empty, the object won't get pushed, thus there will be no empty objects. 现在,如果用户将某些东西留空,则该对象将不会被推入,因此将没有空的对象。 You can make use of else to alert a message saying that the user left some input blank. 您可以利用else来警告消息,指出用户将某些输入留空。

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