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[英]How to save the for loop output as data.frame in R?

I'd like to know how I can save the output of a for loop as data.frame ? 我想知道如何将for loop的输出保存为data.frame let's say using the mtcars dataset I have the following for loop script: 让我们说使用mtcars数据集我有以下for loop脚本:

for (i in seq_len(nrow(mtcars))) { 
  if (i  <= 30) {



              mpg cyl disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
Maserati Bora  15   8  301 335 3.54 3.57 14.6  0  1    5    8
            mpg cyl disp  hp drat   wt qsec vs am gear carb
Volvo 142E 21.4   4  121 109 4.11 2.78 18.6  1  1    4    2

but if I am going to save it in output file as dataframe I will get the following: 但如果我save其作为dataframe saveoutput文件中,我将得到以下内容:

   output <- as.data.frame(c())
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(mtcars))) { 
      if (i  <= 30) {


      output<- c(output,mtcars[i,])  

   ### then the output is 

   > output
    [1] 15

    [1] 8

    [1] 301

    [1] 335

    [1] 3.54

    [1] 3.57

    [1] 14.6

    [1] 0

    [1] 1

    [1] 5

    [1] 8

    [1] 21.4

    [1] 4

    [1] 121

    [1] 109

    [1] 4.11

    [1] 2.78

    [1] 18.6

    [1] 1

    [1] 1

    [1] 4

    [1] 2

I know the simple indexing output <- mtcars[-(1:30), ] , but this is not a solution for my real life situation (which is more complex). 我知道简单的索引output <- mtcars[-(1:30), ] ,但这不是我现实生活情况的解决方案(更复杂)。 I really need the loop to do what I want. 我真的需要循环来做我想要的。

Here is a solution that is most similar to your code. 这是一个与您的代码最相似的解决方案。
The points are using the initialisation (indexing ...[NULL, ] ) and the function rbind() 这些点使用初始化(索引...[NULL, ] )和函数rbind()

output <- mtcars[NULL,]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(mtcars))) { 
  if (i  <= 30) {
  # ...
  output <- rbind(output, mtcars[i, ]) 

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