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[英]How to get extream x,y coordinates for hough line peaks with skimage

h, theta, d = transform.hough_line(outlines)
for acum, angle, dist in zip(*transform.hough_line_peaks(h, theta, d)):
    y0 = (dist - 0 * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)
    y1 = (dist - outlines.shape[1] * np.cos(angle)) / np.sin(angle)
    x0 = ...
    x1 = ...
    rr,cc,_ = draw.line_aa(x0,y0,x1,y1)

What I want is the x0 and x1 values between the range of my outline shape, that is 640,640 (2D). 我想要的是我的轮廓形状范围之间的x0x1值,即640,640(2D)。 And I want to scale the y0 and y1 to the size of my outline.shape . 我想将y0y1缩放到outline.shape的大小。

The y0, y1 coordinate that you calculate with that formula correspond to where the line intersects the edges of your image. 使用该公式计算的y0, y1坐标对应于线与图像边缘相交的位置。 That is why it includes 0 and outlines.shape[1] . 这就是它包含0outlines.shape[1]

y0 corresponds to the row where the line intersects column 0, hence 0 * cos(angle) . y0对应于线与列0相交的行,因此0 * cos(angle)

y1 corresponds to the row where the line intersects the last column of your image, ie its width (which is outlines.shape[1] ) y1对应于线与图像的最后一列相交的行,即其宽度(即outlines.shape[1]

So you can draw a line from (0, y0) to (width, y1) to emphasize the detected lines. 因此,您可以从(0, y0)(width, y1)绘制一条线来强调检测到的线条。 Use, for example outlines[line(0, y0, width-1, y1] = 1 . Note I put width - 1 because indexing starts from 0 and width is out of bounds. This is not the case in your formula because it is subtracted from dist 使用,例如outlines[line(0, y0, width-1, y1] = 1注意我放宽width - 1因为索引从0开始, width超出范围。在你的公式中不是这种情况,因为它是从dist减去

This tutorial illustrates well how it works and how to add the discovered lines to your image (in the first part). 本教程很好地说明了它的工作原理以及如何将已发现的行添加到图像中(在第一部分中)。 Replace the uninspired X-shaped image with an image of your choice and you will see the lines. 用您选择的图像替换未出现的X形图像,您将看到线条。 Your image should ideally be binarised and have not too many points, so try passing it through and edge detector (Canny) or a skeletonization procedure. 理想情况下,您的图像应该被二值化并且没有太多点,因此请尝试将其传递给边缘检测器(Canny)或骨架化过程。

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