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Webdev Facebook API朋友返回对象数组[1],但是我无法通过javascript访问它

[英]Webdev Facebook API friends return an object array[1] however I cannot access it via javascript

I need help parsing the friendsList object returned by [below] into JavaScript. 我需要将[以下]返回的friendsList对象解析为JavaScript的帮助。

FB.api('me/friends', function(response) {});

I want to parse "response" into an array I tried response.forEach ... 我想将“响应”解析为我尝试过的数组response.forEach ...

I got: 我有:

Uncaught TypeError: friendsObject.forEach is not a function 未捕获的TypeError:friendsObject.forEach不是函数

So I thought I could just do JSON.parse(response); 所以我想我可以做JSON.parse(response); that also gave me an error. 这也给了我一个错误。

Then I tried to print out with console.log(response) as it gives me an Object. 然后我尝试使用console.log(response)打印出来,因为它给了我一个Object。

I am super confused why the object cant turn into an array, wont parse but prints the entire object when I console.log it. 我非常困惑,为什么当我使用console.log对象时,对象无法变成数组,无法解析,但会打印整个对象。

How do I parse that object into a javascript array? 如何将该对象解析为javascript数组?

Always use console.log to see the actual content of the response object. 始终使用console.log查看response对象的实际内容。 It is usually an object with a "data" array, so it would be like this: 它通常是带有“数据”数组的对象,因此如下所示:


Do not forget about error handling, response.data can be undefined too. 不要忘记错误处理, response.data也可以是未定义的。


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