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[英]Drupal - front end in/out of stock

My client has an e-commerce site made in Drupal. 我的客户有一个在Drupal中建立的电子商务网站。 Exclusively for the stock levels shown in the front-end (product "in stock", "out of stock") a previous developer programed drupal to get this information from an external API. 专门针对前端中显示的库存水平(产品“有货”,“无货”),以前的开发人员对drupal进行了编程,以从外部API获取此信息。

Well, now I must turn this feature back to get stock levels from drupal's internal inventory management, but I just can't figure it out how to do that. 好吧,现在我必须回过头来使用此功能,以从drupal的内部库存管理中获取库存量,但是我只是不知道该怎么做。

I know well php but nothing of drupal. 我很了解php,但对drupal一无所知。

I saw there is a "ubercart" folder but I can't say if it's working. 我看到有一个“ ubercart”文件夹,但我不能说它是否有效。

Thanks. 谢谢。

In your case You use Ubercart module to create Drupal e-commerce site. 在您的情况下,您可以使用Ubercart模块创建Drupal电子商务网站。 Ubercart has Stock submodule. Ubercart具有股票子模块。 You can activate it on /admin/modules page. 您可以在/ admin / modules页面上激活它。 After this action You'll have stock inventory in product content type 完成此操作后,您将拥有产品内容类型的库存

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