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如何编写启动脚本来加载quil / processing sketch?

[英]how can I write a boot script to load a quil/processing sketch?

I have boot working with other examples, but im trying to use it with quil/Processing. 我已经开始使用其他示例,但我试图将它与quil / Processing一起使用。 I wrote this simple script and tried to run it, but all it does is launches a Java Applet window then immediately closes. 我编写了这个简单的脚本并尝试运行它,但它只是启动一个Java Applet窗口然后立即关闭。 There are no error logs for me to debug. 没有错误日志供我调试。

#!/usr/bin/env boot
(set-env! :dependencies '[[quil "2.6.0"]])
(require '[quil.core :as q])
(defn setup []
  (q/background 111 111 111 )  )
(defn -main  [& args]
  (q/defsketch my-art
  :size [800 800]
  :setup setup))

This code works, but its not the right answer as it uses a sleep. 这段代码有效,但它不是正确的答案,因为它使用了睡眠。 are there better ways to do this without a sleep?: 有没有睡觉的更好的方法吗?:

#!/usr/bin/env boot
(set-env! :dependencies '[[quil "2.6.0"]])
(require '[quil.core :as q])

(defn draw []
  (println "in draw")
  (q/background 111 111 111 )  )

(defn -main  [& args]
  (println "starting")
  (q/defsketch my-art
    :size [800 800]
    :draw draw)
  (Thread/sleep 5000))

After the window is created, the main thread has probably nothing else to do and the JVM exits. 创建窗口后,主线程可能没有其他任何操作,JVM退出。 You can confirm this by adding a (Thread/sleep 5000) after the call to q/defsketch . 您可以通过在调用q/defsketch之后添加(Thread/sleep 5000)来确认这q/defsketch

I took a quick look at quil 's code. 我快速浏览了一下quil的代码。 defsketch returns an instance of quil.Applet , which implements processing.core.PApplet . defsketch返回的实例quil.Applet ,它实现processing.core.PApplet Although PApplet uses AWT under the covers it doesn't extend or implement any AWT classes, it internally creates other Processing classes. 虽然PApplet使用AWT,它不会扩展或实现任何AWT类,但它在内部创建了其他Processing类。

The simplest way to keep the window open would be to read from console with (.read System/in) after creating the sketch. 保持窗口打开的最简单方法是在创建草图后从控制台读取(.read System/in) There might be other, fancier approaches though. 可能还有其他更好的方法。

Generally you would want to convert your example to a boot task, then call your quill task + watch task to prevent the boot pipeline from exiting. 通常,您希望将示例转换为启动任务,然后调用您的quill任务+监视任务以防止启动管道退出。

ie. 即。 boot watch quill

This will prevent boot from exiting once your quill task finishes, however you may need to implement additional control flows depending on how quill functions. 这将阻止在您的主轴任务完成后退出,但是您可能需要根据主轴的功能实现其他控制流程。

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