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[英]Why is this swap method not working?

Why does the below two snippets of code have different results? 为什么以下两个代码片段会有不同的结果? I want to add a 1 in front of digits, which is a vector of integers. 我想在数字前面添加1,它是整数的向量。 But the second snippet does not properly swap. 但是第二个片段没有正确交换。

int tmpInt(1);
for (int i=0; i<digits.size(); i++){
    swap(tmpInt, digits[i]);

versus: 与:

int tmpInt(1);
for (auto it : digits){
    swap(tmpInt, it);
for (auto it : digits){

The range variable gets essentially copied by value, from the sequence, so 范围变量本质上是从序列中按值复制的,因此

   swap(tmpInt, it);

all this is doing is swapping between tmpInt and a temporary range variable. 这一切都是在tmpInt和一个临时范围变量之间交换。

You need to use a reference, in order to get equivalent results with the first example: 您需要使用一个引用,以便获得与第一个示例相同的结果:

for (auto &it : digits){
   swap(tmpInt, it);

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