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[英]How to extract specific elements from a string?

I am trying to extract the first numbers from each block of numbers from the next string. 我试图从下一个字符串的每个数字块中提取第一个数字。

string s = "f 1079//2059 1165//2417 1164//2414 1068//1980";

In this example I need to extract 1079, 1165, 1164 and 1068 在此示例中,我需要提取1079、1165、1164和1068

I have tried with getline and substr but I have not been able to. 我已经尝试过使用getline和substr,但是我却不能。

You can utilize the <regex> (C++ regular expression library) with pattern (\\\\d+)// . 您可以将<regex> (C ++正则表达式库)与模式(\\\\d+)// Locate the numbers before double slashes. 在双斜杠前找到数字。 Also using the parentheses to extract the numbers only by submatch. 还使用括号仅通过子匹配来提取数字。

Here is usage. 这是用法。

string s = "f 1079//2059 1165//2417 1164//2414 1068//1980";

std::regex pattern("(\\d+)//");
auto match_iter = std::sregex_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), pattern);
auto match_end = std::sregex_iterator();

for (;match_iter != match_end; match_iter++) 
    const std::smatch& m = *match_iter;
    std::cout << m[1].str() << std::endl;   // sub-match for token in parentheses, the 1079, 1165, ...
                                            // m[0]: whole match, "1079//"
                                            // m[1]: first submatch, "1070"

I usually reach for istringstream for this kind of thing: 我通常会为这种事情寻求istringstream帮助:

std::string input = "f 1079//2059 1165//2417 1164//2414 1068//1980";
std::istringstream is(input);
char f;
if (is >> f)
    int number, othernumber;
    char slash1, slash2;
    while (is >> number >> slash1 >> slash2 >> othernumber)
        // Process 'number'...

here is an attempt with getline and substring which works. 这是使用getline和substring的尝试。

auto extractValues(const std::string& source)
-> std::vector<std::string>
    auto target = std::vector<std::string>{};
    auto stream = std::stringstream{ source };
    auto currentPartOfSource = std::string{};
    while (std::getline(stream, currentPartOfSource, ' '))
        auto partBeforeTheSlashes = std::string{};
        auto positionOfSlashes = currentPartOfSource.find("//");
        if (positionOfSlashes != std::string::npos)
            target.push_back(currentPartOfSource.substr(0, positionOfSlashes));
    return target;

Or there is another split way to extract tokens, but it may involve some string copy. 或者有另一种分离的方式来提取令牌,但是它可能涉及一些字符串复制。

Consider a split_by function like 考虑如下的split_by函数

std::vector<std::string> split_by(const std::string& str, const std::string& delem);

Possible implementations in Split a string in C++? 在C ++拆分字符串的可能实现

Make string be splitted by 使字符串被分割 first, then splitted by // and extract first item. 首先,然后由//拆分并提取第一项。

std::vector<std::string> tokens = split_by(s, " ");
std::vector<std::string> words;
std::transform(tokens.begin() + 1, tokens.end(),  // drop first "f"              
               [](const std::string& s){ return split_by(s, "//")[0]; });

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