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[英]Python multiprocessing - Modify JSON via multiple processes

I'm trying to modify a JSON file with multiprocessing . 我正在尝试使用multiprocessing修改JSON文件。 I would be able to split the JSON into chunks, so that each process has only access to and modify a certain part of the JSON (so it's guaranteed that no two processes want to modify the same attribute). 我将能够将JSON拆分为多个块,以便每个进程只能访问和修改JSON的特定部分(因此可以确保没有两个进程想要修改同一属性)。 My question is, how can I share the JSON object between processes so that the changes are reflected on the original object? 我的问题是,如何在流程之间共享JSON对象,以便更改能够反映在原始对象上? I know, that multiprocessing passes the object as a copy, so I'd need to use a Manager() , but how exactly can I do that? 我知道, multiprocessing将对象作为副本传递,所以我需要使用Manager() ,但是我到底该怎么做呢? Currently I have 目前我有

def parallelUpdateJSON(datachunk):
    for feature in datachunk: 
        #modify chunk

def writeGeoJSON():
    with open('geo.geojson') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    pool = Pool()
    for i in range(0, mp.cpu_count())):
        #chunk data into a list, so I get listofchunks = [chunk1, chunk2, etc.,]
        #where chunk1 = data[0:chunksize], chunk2 = data[chunksize:2*chunksize] etc.
    pool.map(parallelUpdateJSON, listofchunks)
    with open('test_parallel.geojson', 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(data, outfile)

But of course this passes the chunks as copies, so the original data object doesn't get modified. 但是,当然,这会将块作为副本传递,因此原始data对象不会被修改。 How can I make it so that data actually gets modified by the processes? 我怎样才能使data实际上被流程修改? Thank you! 谢谢!

It's probably a better idea to avoid synchronous access to your output file. 避免同步访问输出文件可能是一个更好的主意。 It will be a lot easier to just produce N partial outputs and join them together into a property of your json object. 仅产生N个部分输出并将它们连接在一起成为json对象的属性会容易得多。 Then you can dump that object to a file. 然后,您可以将该对象转储到文件中。

def process(work):
    return str(work[::-1])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = Pool()
    structure = json.loads("""
    { "list":
            "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",
            "the quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox"
    structure["results"] = p.map(process, structure["list"])
    with open("result.json", "w") as f:
        json.dump(structure, f)

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