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r - 从字符串中删除 Unicode 替换字符

[英]r - Remove Unicode replacement character from a string

I have a dataset of a hundred million rows, out of which about 10 have some sort of Unicode replacement character.我有一个一亿行的数据集,其中大约 10 行具有某种 Unicode 替换字符。 Text representation of this particular character is "< U+FFFD>" (remove whitespace), however there are others, too.此特定字符的文本表示是“< U+FFFD>”(删除空格),但也有其他字符。

I want to remove the character, but i wasn't able to come up with a way to do that.我想删除角色,但我想不出办法。

str <- "торгово производственн��я компания"
gsub("<U+FFFD>", "", str)
"торгово производственн��я компания"

If i need to provide any additional info please let me know.如果我需要提供任何其他信息,请告诉我。 Also i would be very grateful for an explanation of what exactly is happening here (as in why a normal gsub doesn't work and why it displays like that)另外,我将非常感谢您解释这里到底发生了什么(比如为什么普通的 gsub 不起作用以及为什么它会这样显示)

You are using a gsub function with a regex pattern as the first argument. 您正在使用带有正则表达式模式的gsub函数作为第一个参数。 <U+FFFD> pattern matches < , 1 or more U symbols, and then a FFFD> sequence of chars. <U+FFFD>模式匹配< ,1个或更多U符号,然后匹配FFFD>字符序列。

It would work like this: 它将像这样工作:

> str2 <- "торгово <UUUFFFD> производственн��я компания"
> gsub("<U+FFFD>", "", str2)
[1] "торгово  производственн��я компания"

Use a mere literal string replacement: 仅使用文字字符串替换:

> str <- "торгово производственн��я компания"
> gsub("\uFFFD", "", str, fixed=TRUE)
[1] "торгово производствення компания"

This worked best for me when applying this same concept to an entire data frame.当将相同的概念应用于整个数据框时,这对我来说效果最好。

# Remove embedded unicode characters in the data frame
df <- df %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.character),~ str_remove_all(.,"\\s*\u200b")))

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