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r - Remove Unicode replacement character from a string

I have a dataset of a hundred million rows, out of which about 10 have some sort of Unicode replacement character. Text representation of this particular character is "< U+FFFD>" (remove whitespace), however there are others, too.

I want to remove the character, but i wasn't able to come up with a way to do that.

str <- "торгово производственн��я компания"
gsub("<U+FFFD>", "", str)
"торгово производственн��я компания"

If i need to provide any additional info please let me know. Also i would be very grateful for an explanation of what exactly is happening here (as in why a normal gsub doesn't work and why it displays like that)

You are using a gsub function with a regex pattern as the first argument. <U+FFFD> pattern matches < , 1 or more U symbols, and then a FFFD> sequence of chars.

It would work like this:

> str2 <- "торгово <UUUFFFD> производственн��я компания"
> gsub("<U+FFFD>", "", str2)
[1] "торгово  производственн��я компания"

Use a mere literal string replacement:

> str <- "торгово производственн��я компания"
> gsub("\uFFFD", "", str, fixed=TRUE)
[1] "торгово производствення компания"

This worked best for me when applying this same concept to an entire data frame.

# Remove embedded unicode characters in the data frame
df <- df %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.character),~ str_remove_all(.,"\\s*\u200b")))

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