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[英]Python: Plotting sublists on matplotlib.pyplot

I wanted to plot list, with sublists, each containing name and score. 我想绘制列表,其中包含名单和分数的子列表。 Sublist item one = name as X-label , and item two = score as Y label . 子列表item one = nameX-labelitem two = scoreY label

datacount = (("mike", 9), ("john", 8), ("smith", 7), ("niki", 7), ("garlick", 7),
             ("don", 7), ("ross", 7), ("darli", 6), ("nick", 6), ("perl", 6), 
             ("cat", 5), ("dona", 4))

How can I plot this in plt? 我怎样才能在plt中绘制这个?

I tried this like its dictionary, but it does not show all names and corresponding scores. 我试着像它的字典,但它没有显示所有的名字和相应的分数。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
datacount = D

plt.bar(range(len(D)), D.values(), align='center')
plt.xticks(range(len(D)), D.keys())


Assuming you have a list of tuples, you can use zip to unpack X and Y elements, and then do the bar plot; 假设你有一个元组列表,你可以用zip来解包X和Y元素,然后做条形图; The tick_label can be used to label your x-axis: tick_label可用于标记x轴:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
%matplotlib inline

plt.figure(figsize = (10, 7))

X, Y = zip(*datacount)
ax = plt.bar(range(len(X)), Y, 0.6, align='center', tick_label = X, color="sienna") 


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