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[英]make using autotools gives undefined reference errors while custom Makefile works fine

I'm trying to convert the build mechanism of ccextractor (Open source closed caption extractor) from custom Makefile to Autotools generated Makefile. 我正在尝试将ccextractor(开源隐藏式字幕提取器)的构建机制从自定义Makefile转换为Autotools生成的Makefile。

Current Makefile looks like this: 当前的Makefile如下所示:

SHELL = /bin/sh

CC = gcc
SYS := $(shell gcc -dumpmachine)
CFLAGS = -O3 -std=gnu99 -s
INCLUDE = -Isrc/gpacmp4/ -Isrc/libpng -Isrc/lib_hash -Isrc/protobuf-c -Isrc/zlib -Isrc/lib_ccx -Isrc/.
INCLUDE += -Isrc/zvbi -Isrc/utf8proc

ifneq (, $(findstring linux, $(SYS)))
TARGET = ccextractor

OBJS_DIR = objs
VPATH = src:src/gpacmp4:src/libpng:src/zlib:src/lib_ccx:src/zvbi:src/lib_hash:src/utf8proc:src/protobuf-c

SRCS_DIR = src
SRCS_C = $(wildcard $(SRCS_DIR)/*.c)
OBJS = $(SRCS_C:$(SRCS_DIR)/%.c=$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o)

SRCS_CCX_DIR = $(SRCS_DIR)/lib_ccx
SRCS_CCX = $(wildcard $(SRCS_CCX_DIR)/*.c)

SRCS_PNG = $(wildcard $(SRCS_PNG_DIR)/*.c)

SRCS_ZVBI = $(wildcard $(SRCS_ZVBI_DIR)/*.c)

SRCS_GPACMP4_C = $(wildcard $(SRCS_GPACMP4_DIR)/*.c)
SRCS_GPACMP4_CPP = $(wildcard $(SRCS_GPACMP4_DIR)/*.cpp)

SRCS_ZLIB = $(wildcard $(SRCS_ZLIB_DIR)/*.c)

SRCS_HASH_DIR = $(SRCS_DIR)/lib_hash
SRCS_HASH = $(wildcard $(SRCS_HASH_DIR)/*.c)

SRCS_UTF8_DIR = $(SRCS_DIR)/utf8proc
SRCS_UTF8 = $(SRCS_UTF8_DIR)/utf8proc.c

INSTLALL = cp -f -p
DESTDIR = /usr/bin

ifeq ($(ENABLE_HARDSUBX),yes)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavcodec)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavformat)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavutil)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libswscale)
AV_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavcodec )
AV_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavformat )
AV_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavutil )
AV_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libswscale )
ifeq ($(AV_LDFLAGS),$(EMPTY))
$(error **ERROR** "libav not found")
$(info "libav found")

ifeq ($(ENABLE_OCR),yes)
LEPT_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs lept)

ifneq ($(shell pkg-config --exists tesseract), $(EMPTY))
TESS_LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs tesseract)
TESS_CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags tesseract)
#fix for raspberry pi not having a pkgconfig file for tesseract
ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/include/tesseract/*),$(EMPTY))
TESS_LDFLAGS+= -ltesseract
TESS_CFLAGS+= -I/usr/include/tesseract

#error checking of library are there or not
$(error **ERROR** "tesseract not found")
#TODO print the version of library found
$(info  "tesseract found")

$(error **ERROR** "leptonica not found")
#TODO print the version of library found
$(info  "Leptonica found")

CFLAGS  += $(shell pkg-config --cflags lept)

ifeq ($(ENABLE_FFMPEG),yes)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavcodec)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavformat)
CFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --cflags libavutil)
LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavcodec )
LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavformat )
LDFLAGS+= $(shell pkg-config --libs libavutil )

.PHONY: all
all: pre-build objs_dir $(TARGET) 

.PHONY: objs_dir
    mkdir -p $(OBJS_DIR)


$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o: %.c
    $(CC) -c $(ALL_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@  

$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
    $(CC) -c $(ALL_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ -Isrc/gpacmp4 

$(OBJS_DIR)/ccextractor.o: ccextractor.c
    $(CC) -c $(ALL_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -O0 $< -o $@  

.PHONY: clean
    rm -rf $(TARGET) 2>/dev/null || true
    rm -rf $(OBJS_CCX) $(OBJS_PNG) $(OBJS_ZLIB) $(OBJS_GPACMP4) $(OBJS_HASH) $(OBJS_UTF8) $(OBJS) 2>/dev/null || true
    rm -rdf $(OBJS_DIR) 2>/dev/null || true
    rm -rf .depend 2>/dev/null || true

.PHONY: install
install: $(TARGET)

.PHONY: uninstall
    rm -iv $(DESTDIR)/$(TARGET) 

.PHONY: depend dep
depend dep:
        $(SRCS_GPACMP4_C) $(SRCS_GPACMP4_CPP) |\
        sed 's/^[a-zA-Z_0-9]*.o/$(OBJS_DIR)\/&/' > .depend

.PHONY: pre-build

-include .depend

Building through above Makefile works fine. 通过上面的Makefile构建可以正常工作。 My Makefile.am looks like this: 我的Makefile.am看起来像这样:

bin_PROGRAMS = ccextractor
ccextractor_SOURCES = \
                **Removing common content of Makefile.am as below due to maximum character limit**

AM_CPPFLAGS = -I src -I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -I src/lib_ccx/ -I src/gpacmp4/ -I src/libpng/ -I src/zlib/ -I src/zvbi/ -I src/lib_hash/ -I src/protobuf-c/ -I src/utf8proc/


AM_LDFLAGS = -lm -lz -ltesseract -llept

If I run make after autoreconf -i on above file, build fails with error: 如果在上述文件中的autoreconf -i之后运行make ,则构建失败并显示以下错误:

/usr/bin/ld: src/gpacmp4/av_parsers.o: undefined reference to symbol 'trunc@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

If I run ./configure as ./configure LIBS="-lm -lz" build fails with errors as: 如果我以./configure LIBS="-lm -lz"运行./configure ,则构建失败并显示以下错误:

/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c:1358: undefined reference to `gf_isom_get_track_from_file'
src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.o: In function `gf_isom_get_adobe_protection_info':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c:1378: undefined reference to `gf_isom_get_track_from_file'
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c:1387: undefined reference to `IsMP4Description'
src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.o: In function `gf_isom_cenc_is_pattern_mode':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c:1401: undefined reference to `gf_isom_get_track_from_file'
src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.o: In function `gf_isom_ipmpx_remove_tool_list':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c:1421: undefined reference to `gf_odf_desc_del'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

tree in src dir is: src目录中的tree是:

├── ccextractor.c
├── CCExtractorConfig.h.in
├── ccextractor.o
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── gpacmp4
│   ├── avc_ext.c
│   ├── avc_ext.o
│   ├── avilib.c
│   ├── avilib.o
│   ├── av_parsers.c
│   ├── drm_sample.o
│   ├── error.c
│   ├── error.o
│   ├── gpac
│   │   ├── avparse.h
│   │   ├── base_coding.h
│   │   ├── bitstream.h
│   │   ├── config_file.h
│   │   ├── configuration.h
│   │   ├── constants.h
│   │   ├── events_constants.h
│   │   ├── ietf.h
│   │   ├── internal
│   │   │   ├── avilib.h
│   │   │   ├── isomedia_dev.h
│   │   │   ├── media_dev.h
│   │   │   ├── odf_dev.h
│   │   │   ├── odf_parse_common.h
│   │   │   └── ogg.h
│   │   ├── isomedia.h
│   │   ├── list.h
│   │   ├── math.h
│   │   ├── media_tools.h
│   │   ├── mpeg4_odf.h
│   │   ├── network.h
│   │   ├── revision.h
│   │   ├── setup.h
│   │   ├── sync_layer.h
│   │   ├── tools.h
│   │   ├── utf.h
│   │   └── version.h
│   ├── gpac_ogg.c
│   ├── hinting.c
│   ├── ipmpx_code.c
│   ├── ipmpx_parse.c
│   ├── isom_intern.c
│   ├── isom_read.c
│   ├── isom_store.c
│   ├── isom_write.c
│   ├── list.c
│   ├── math.c
│   ├── media.c
│   ├── media_odf.c
│   ├── meta.c
│   ├── movie_fragments.c
│   ├── mp4.c
│   ├── odf_code.c
│   ├── odf_codec.c
│   ├── odf_command.c
│   ├── os_config_init.c
│   ├── os_divers.c
│   ├── os_file.c
│   ├── qos.c
│   ├── ReadMe.txt
│   ├── sample_descs.c
│   ├── slc.c
│   ├── stbl_read.c
│   ├── stbl_write.c
│   ├── track.c
│   ├── tx3g.c
│   ├── url.c
│   └── utf.c
├── lib_ccx
│   ├── activity.c
│   ├── activity.h
│   ├── asf_constants.h
│   ├── asf_functions.c
│   ├── avc_functions.c
│   ├── avc_functions.h
│   ├── bitstream.h
│   ├── cc_bitstream.c
│   ├── ccfont2.xbm
│   ├── ccx_common_char_encoding.c
│   ├── ccx_common_char_encoding.h
│   ├── ccx_decoders_708.h
│   ├── ccx_decoders_708_output.c
│   ├── ccx_encoders_xds.h
│   ├── ccx_gxf.c
│   ├── ccx_gxf.h
│   ├── ccx_mp4.h
│   ├── dvd_subtitle_decoder.c
│   ├── utility.h
│   ├── wtv_constants.h
│   └── wtv_functions.c
├── lib_hash
│   ├── README
│   ├── sha2.c
│   └── sha2.h
├── libpng
│   ├── png.c
│   ├── pngconf.h
│   ├── pngdebug.h
│   ├── pngerror.c
│   ├── pngget.c
|   |
├── protobuf-c
│   ├── protobuf-c.c
│   └── protobuf-c.h
├── utf8proc
│   ├── utf8proc.c
│   ├── utf8proc_data.c
│   └── utf8proc.h
├── win_iconv
│   ├── iconv.h
│   └── win_iconv.c
├── win_spec_incld
│   ├── dirent.h
│   ├── inttypes.h
│   └── stdint.h
├── zlib
│   ├── adler32.c
│   ├── compress.c
│   ├── crc32.c
│   ├── crc32.h
│   ├── deflate.c
│   ├── deflate.h
│   ├── gzclose.c
│   ├── gzguts.h
│   ├── zutil.c
│   └── zutil.h
└── zvbi
    ├── bcd.h
    ├── bit_slicer.c
    ├── bit_slicer.h
    ├── decoder.c
    ├── macros.h
    ├── misc.h
    ├── raw_decoder.c
    ├── raw_decoder.h
    ├── sampling_par.c
    ├── sampling_par.h
    ├── sliced.h
    └── zvbi_decoder.h
**Stripped some filenames (not directory) due to max character limit**

And also, all includes are done with full path in sub directories of src , like for a file in gpacmp4 directory, #include <gpac/avparse.h> . 而且,所有包含都使用src子目录中的完整路径来完成,例如gpacmp4目录中的文件#include <gpac/avparse.h> All but the main ccextractor.c file, for which all the -I flags are provided. 除了主ccextractor.c文件外,所有文件都提供了-I flags

To refer ccextractor original code: https://github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor 引用ccextractor原始代码: https : //github.com/CCExtractor/ccextractor

The original Makefile will be in linux directory. 原始的Makefile将位于linux目录中。

PS: Currently I'm trying to get the ccextractor build all the checks will be introduced later. PS:目前,我正在尝试让ccextractor构建所有检查将在以后介绍。 For simplified mechanism ccextractor/linux/build is useful to refer. 为了简化机制,可以参考ccextractor/linux/build

Even the slightest help is appreciated. 甚至丝毫的帮助也值得赞赏。

UPDATE: (courtesy of @MadScientist) I updated Makefile.am as: 更新:(由@MadScientist提供)我将Makefile.am更新为:


bin_PROGRAMS = ccextractor
ccextractor_SOURCES = \
                src/ccextractor.c \
                src/gpacmp4/avc_ext.c \
                src/gpacmp4/avilib.c \
                src/gpacmp4/av_parsers.c \
                src/gpacmp4/base_encoding.c \
                src/gpacmp4/bitstream.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_3gpp.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_adobe.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_apple.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_base.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_drm.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_code_meta.c \
                src/gpacmp4/box_funcs.c \
                src/gpacmp4/configfile.c \
                src/gpacmp4/data_map.c \
                src/gpacmp4/desc_private.c \
                src/gpacmp4/descriptors.c \
                src/gpacmp4/drm_sample.c \
                src/gpacmp4/error.c \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/avparse.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/base_coding.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/bitstream.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/config_file.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/configuration.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/constants.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/events_constants.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/ietf.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/avilib.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/isomedia_dev.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/media_dev.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/odf_dev.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/odf_parse_common.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/internal/ogg.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/isomedia.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/list.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/math.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/media_tools.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/mpeg4_odf.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/network.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/revision.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/setup.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/sync_layer.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/tools.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/utf.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac/version.h \
                src/gpacmp4/gpac_ogg.c \
                src/gpacmp4/hinting.c \
                src/gpacmp4/ipmpx_code.c \
                src/gpacmp4/ipmpx_parse.c \
                src/gpacmp4/isom_intern.c \
                src/gpacmp4/isom_read.c \
                src/gpacmp4/isom_store.c \
                src/gpacmp4/isom_write.c \
                src/gpacmp4/list.c \
                src/gpacmp4/math.c \
                src/gpacmp4/media.c \
                src/gpacmp4/media_odf.c \
                src/gpacmp4/meta.c \
                src/gpacmp4/movie_fragments.c \
                src/gpacmp4/mp4.c \
                src/gpacmp4/odf_code.c \
                src/gpacmp4/odf_codec.c \
                src/gpacmp4/odf_command.c \
                src/gpacmp4/os_config_init.c \
                src/gpacmp4/os_divers.c \
                src/gpacmp4/os_file.c \
                src/gpacmp4/qos.c \
                src/gpacmp4/sample_descs.c \
                src/gpacmp4/slc.c \
                src/gpacmp4/stbl_read.c \
                src/gpacmp4/stbl_write.c \
                src/gpacmp4/track.c \
                src/gpacmp4/tx3g.c \
                src/gpacmp4/url.c \
                src/gpacmp4/utf.c \
                src/lib_ccx/activity.c \
                src/lib_ccx/activity.h \
                src/lib_ccx/asf_constants.h \
                src/lib_ccx/asf_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/avc_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/avc_functions.h \
                src/lib_ccx/bitstream.h \
                src/lib_ccx/cc_bitstream.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_char_encoding.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_char_encoding.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_common.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_common.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_constants.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_constants.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_option.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_option.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_platform.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_structs.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_timing.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_common_timing.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_608.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_608.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708_encoding.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708_encoding.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708_output.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_708_output.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_common.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_common.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_isdb.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_isdb.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_structs.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_vbi.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_vbi.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_xds.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_decoders_xds.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_demuxer.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_demuxer.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_dtvcc.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_dtvcc.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_common.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_common.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_curl.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_g608.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_helpers.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_helpers.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_sami.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_smptett.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_splitbysentence.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_spupng.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_spupng.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_srt.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_ssa.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_structs.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_transcript.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_webvtt.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_xds.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_encoders_xds.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_gxf.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_gxf.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_mp4.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_share.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_share.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_sub_entry_message.pb-c.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ccx_sub_entry_message.pb-c.h \
                src/lib_ccx/compile_info.h \
                src/lib_ccx/compile_info_real.h \
                src/lib_ccx/configuration.c \
                src/lib_ccx/configuration.h \
                src/lib_ccx/disable_warnings.h \
                src/lib_ccx/dvb_subtitle_decoder.c \
                src/lib_ccx/dvb_subtitle_decoder.h \
                src/lib_ccx/dvd_subtitle_decoder.c \
                src/lib_ccx/dvd_subtitle_decoder.h \
                src/lib_ccx/es_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/es_userdata.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ffmpeg_intgr.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ffmpeg_intgr.h \
                src/lib_ccx/file_buffer.h \
                src/lib_ccx/file_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/general_loop.c \
                src/lib_ccx/hamming.h \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx.c \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx_classifier.c \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx_decoder.c \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx.h \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx_imgops.c \
                src/lib_ccx/hardsubx_utility.c \
                src/lib_ccx/lib_ccx.c \
                src/lib_ccx/lib_ccx.h \
                src/lib_ccx/list.h \
                src/lib_ccx/matroska.c \
                src/lib_ccx/matroska.h \
                src/lib_ccx/myth.c \
                src/lib_ccx/networking.c \
                src/lib_ccx/networking.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ocr.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ocr.h \
                src/lib_ccx/output.c \
                src/lib_ccx/params.c \
                src/lib_ccx/params_dump.c \
                src/lib_ccx/sequencing.c \
                src/lib_ccx/spupng_encoder.c \
                src/lib_ccx/spupng_encoder.h \
                src/lib_ccx/stdintmsc.h \
                src/lib_ccx/stream_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/teletext.h \
                src/lib_ccx/telxcc.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ts_functions.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ts_functions.h \
                src/lib_ccx/ts_info.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ts_tables.c \
                src/lib_ccx/ts_tables_epg.c \
                src/lib_ccx/utility.c \
                src/lib_ccx/utility.h \
                src/lib_ccx/wtv_constants.h \
                src/lib_ccx/wtv_functions.c \
                src/lib_hash/sha2.c \
                src/lib_hash/sha2.h \
                src/libpng/png.c \
                src/libpng/pngconf.h \
                src/libpng/pngdebug.h \
                src/libpng/pngerror.c \
                src/libpng/pngget.c \
                src/libpng/png.h \
                src/libpng/pnginfo.h \
                src/libpng/pnglibconf.h \
                src/libpng/pngmem.c \
                src/libpng/pngpread.c \
                src/libpng/pngpriv.h \
                src/libpng/pngread.c \
                src/libpng/pngrio.c \
                src/libpng/pngrtran.c \
                src/libpng/pngrutil.c \
                src/libpng/pngset.c \
                src/libpng/pngstruct.h \
                src/libpng/pngtrans.c \
                src/libpng/pngwio.c \
                src/libpng/pngwrite.c \
                src/libpng/pngwtran.c \
                src/libpng/pngwutil.c \
                src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.c \
                src/protobuf-c/protobuf-c.h \
                src/utf8proc/utf8proc.c \
                src/utf8proc/utf8proc_data.c \
                src/utf8proc/utf8proc.h \
                src/win_iconv/iconv.h \
                src/win_iconv/win_iconv.c \
                src/win_spec_incld/dirent.h \
                src/win_spec_incld/inttypes.h \
                src/win_spec_incld/stdint.h \
                src/zlib/adler32.c \
                src/zlib/compress.c \
                src/zlib/crc32.c \
                src/zlib/crc32.h \
                src/zlib/deflate.c \
                src/zlib/deflate.h \
                src/zlib/gzclose.c \
                src/zlib/gzguts.h \
                src/zlib/gzlib.c \
                src/zlib/gzread.c \
                src/zlib/gzwrite.c \
                src/zlib/infback.c \
                src/zlib/inffast.c \
                src/zlib/inffast.h \
                src/zlib/inffixed.h \
                src/zlib/inflate.c \
                src/zlib/inflate.h \
                src/zlib/inftrees.c \
                src/zlib/inftrees.h \
                src/zlib/trees.c \
                src/zlib/trees.h \
                src/zlib/uncompr.c \
                src/zlib/zconf.h \
                src/zlib/zlib.h \
                src/zlib/zutil.c \
                src/zlib/zutil.h \
                src/zvbi/bcd.h \
                src/zvbi/bit_slicer.c \
                src/zvbi/bit_slicer.h \
                src/zvbi/decoder.c \
                src/zvbi/macros.h \
                src/zvbi/misc.h \
                src/zvbi/raw_decoder.c \
                src/zvbi/raw_decoder.h \
                src/zvbi/sampling_par.c \
                src/zvbi/sampling_par.h \
                src/zvbi/sliced.h \


ccextractor_CPPFLAGS =-I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -I src/lib_ccx/ -I src/gpacmp4/ -I src/libpng/ -I src/zlib/ -I src/zvbi/ -I src/lib_hash/ -I src/protobuf-c/ -I src/utf8proc/

ccextractor_LDADD =-lm -ltesseract -llept


The build script which builds "ccextractor" perfectly fine is: 完美构建“ ccextractor”的build脚本为:

BLD_INCLUDE="-Isrc -I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -Isrc/lib_ccx/ -Isrc/gpacmp4/ -Isrc/libpng/ -Isrc/zlib/ -Isrc/zvbi -Isrc/lib_hash -Isrc/protobuf-c -Isrc/utf8proc"
SRC_LIBPNG="$(find src/libpng/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_ZLIB="$(find src/zlib/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_ZVBI="$(find src/zvbi/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_CCX="$(find src/lib_ccx/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_GPAC="$(find src/gpacmp4/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_HASH="$(find src/lib_hash/ -name '*.c')"
SRC_PROTOBUF="$(find src/protobuf-c/ -name '*.c')"
BLD_LINKER="-lm -zmuldefs -l tesseract -l lept"

**Stripped a call for a script which checks the git commit (nothing that'd interfere with build**

out=$((LC_ALL=C gcc $BLD_FLAGS $BLD_INCLUDE -o ccextractor $BLD_SOURCES $BLD_LINKER) 2>&1)
if [[ $out == *"gcc: command not found"* ]]
    echo "Error: please install gcc";
    exit 1
if [[ $out == *"curl.h: No such file or directory"* ]]
    echo "Error: please install curl development library (libcurl4-gnutls-dev for Debian/Ubuntu)";
    exit 2
if [[ $out == *"capi.h: No such file or directory"* ]]
    echo "Error: please install tesseract development library (tesseract-ocr-dev for Debian/Ubuntu)";
    exit 3
if [[ $out == *"allheaders.h: No such file or directory"* ]]
    echo "Error: please install leptonica development library (libleptonica-dev for Debian/Ubuntu)";
    exit 4
if [[ $res -ne 0 ]]  # Unknown error
    echo "Compiled with errors"
    >&2 echo "$out"
    exit 5
echo "Compilation successful";

Here are some initial statements which make invokes: 以下是一些可以make调用的初始语句:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -I src/lib_ccx/ -I src/gpacmp4/ -I src/libpng/ -I src/zlib/ -I src/zvbi/ -I src/lib_hash/ -I src/protobuf-c/ -I src/utf8proc/  -std=gnu99 -Wno-write-strings -DGPAC_CONFIG_LINUX -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION_FILE_PRESENT -DENABLE_OCR -g -O2 -MT src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o -MD -MP -MF src/.deps/ccextractor-ccextractor.Tpo -c -o src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o `test -f 'src/ccextractor.c' || echo './'`src/ccextractor.c
mv -f src/.deps/ccextractor-ccextractor.Tpo src/.deps/ccextractor-ccextractor.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -I src/lib_ccx/ -I src/gpacmp4/ -I src/libpng/ -I src/zlib/ -I src/zvbi/ -I src/lib_hash/ -I src/protobuf-c/ -I src/utf8proc/  -std=gnu99 -Wno-write-strings -DGPAC_CONFIG_LINUX -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION_FILE_PRESENT -DENABLE_OCR -g -O2 -MT src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avc_ext.o -MD -MP -MF src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avc_ext.Tpo -c -o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avc_ext.o `test -f 'src/gpacmp4/avc_ext.c' || echo './'`src/gpacmp4/avc_ext.c
mv -f src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avc_ext.Tpo src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avc_ext.Po
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I.  -I /usr/include/leptonica/ -I /usr/include/tesseract/ -I src/lib_ccx/ -I src/gpacmp4/ -I src/libpng/ -I src/zlib/ -I src/zvbi/ -I src/lib_hash/ -I src/protobuf-c/ -I src/utf8proc/  -std=gnu99 -Wno-write-strings -DGPAC_CONFIG_LINUX -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION_FILE_PRESENT -DENABLE_OCR -g -O2 -MT src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avilib.o -MD -MP -MF src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avilib.Tpo -c -o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avilib.o `test -f 'src/gpacmp4/avilib.c' || echo './'`src/gpacmp4/avilib.c
mv -f src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avilib.Tpo src/gpacmp4/.deps/ccextractor-avilib.Po

Statement which make invokes just before showing undefined reference errors: 在显示未定义的引用错误之前, make调用的语句:

gcc -std=gnu99 -Wno-write-strings -DGPAC_CONFIG_LINUX -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DVERSION_FILE_PRESENT -DENABLE_OCR -g -O2 -zmuldefs  -o ccextractor src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avc_ext.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-avilib.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-av_parsers.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-base_encoding.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-bitstream.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_3gpp.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_adobe.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_apple.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_base.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_drm.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_code_meta.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-box_funcs.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-configfile.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-data_map.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-desc_private.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-descriptors.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-drm_sample.o src/gpacmp4/ccextractor-error.o -lm -ltesseract -llept

/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:32: undefined reference to `mprint'
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:33: undefined reference to `change_filename_requested'
src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o: In function `sigint_handler':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:47: undefined reference to `print_file_report'
src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o: In function `print_end_msg':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:55: undefined reference to `mprint'
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:56: undefined reference to `mprint'
src/ccextractor-ccextractor.o: In function `main':
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:68: undefined reference to `init_options'
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:70: undefined reference to `parse_configuration'
/media/mayank/Mayank/GSOC 2017/Projects/ccextractor/src/ccextractor.c:71: undefined reference to `parse_parameters'

PS: Sorry for the delay in update. PS:对不起,更新延迟。 Any help is appreciated.I tried many things including changing the path of the #include <path/to/header> statements in code and then adding -I statement in CFLAGS but that didn't help either. 感谢您的帮助。我尝试了很多事情,包括在代码中更改#include <path/to/header>语句的#include <path/to/header> ,然后在CFLAGS添加-I语句,但这均无济于事。 Almost all the undefined reference errors are from the functions declared in the headers residing in subdirectories of directories in source like, src/dir/subdir the -I flags are added only till src/dir/ and then the files in src/dir/ have statements like #include<subdir/filename.h> . 几乎所有的未定义引用错误是由居住在源目录的子目录头声明的功能,如, src/dir/subdir-I添加标志只能做到src/dir/然后将文件中src/dir/有诸如#include<subdir/filename.h>类的语句。

PPS: I used grep -r "<Name_of_function_leading_to_error>" . PPS:我使用了grep -r "<Name_of_function_leading_to_error>" . in src to find out the declaration header. src中找出宣告标头。

You don't show the line make invoked to link your code, which would be very useful. 您不会显示调用行来链接您的代码,这将非常有用。

However, you don't want to put libraries into the LDLFLAGS (or AM_LDLFAGS ) variable; 但是,您不想将库放入LDLFLAGS (或AM_LDLFAGS )变量; that variable is for linker flags like -L , etc. You should use LDADD : 该变量用于链接器标志,例如-L等。您应该使用LDADD

LDADD = -lm -lz -ltesseract -llept

If you look at the link line that make is generating you'll see all these options coming BEFORE any of your object files on the link line; 如果您查看make生成的链接行,您将看到所有这些选项出现在链接行上的任何目标文件之前。 that's not right. 那是不对的。 The GNU binutils ld is a single-pass linker, which means that the order of -l flags is very important for proper linking. GNU binutils ld是一个单通道链接程序,这意味着-l标志的顺序对于正确链接非常重要。

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