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RJB Hello World示例

[英]RJB Hello World Example

I am trying to call a function from a java class in my Ruby on Rails project using RJB (Ruby Java Bridge). 我试图使用RJB(Ruby Java Bridge)在Ruby on Rails项目中从java类调用函数。

The Java class is Java类是

public class HelloWorld {

    int fifty(){
        return 50 ;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Prints "Hello, World" in the terminal window.
      System.out.println("Hello, World");

and in the controller I have 在控制器中我有

  require "rjb"
  def home
      myclass = Rjb::load(classpath ='\\home\\mennatallah\\TopicalClusteringofTweets\\lib\\java_libs\\helloworld.class', jvmargs=[])

      myclass_instance = myclass.new
      @output =   myclass_instance.fifty

It gives " undefined method `new' for nil:NilClass " How can I do this ? 它为nil提供了“未定义的方法`new”:NilClass“我该怎么做?

you can try the following. 你可以试试以下。 it might help: 它可能有所帮助:

Rjb::add_jar( Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/lib/java_libs/*.jar").join(':'))
test = Rjb.import('HelloWorld')
instance_class  = test.new

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