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OpenShift 3 Tomcat Hello世界示例

[英]OpenShift 3 Tomcat Hello World Example

I have a couple of Java webapps using Tomcat that run on OpenShift v2. 我有几个使用TomcatJava Webapp,它们在OpenShift v2上运行。

They have to be migrated to OpenShift 3 on or before 31st December 2017. 它们必须在2017年12月31日或之前迁移到OpenShift 3

I have spent some time looking at OpenShift 3 and it seems far more complex than version 2 and very, very different. 我花了一些时间看待OpenShift 3 ,它似乎比版本2复杂得多,并且非常不同。

What I would like to see is a walk-through/tutorial/example of a simple webapp preferably done from the Eclipse IDE (I am using Oxygen). 我想看的是一个简单Web应用程序的演练/教程/示例,该应用程序最好是从Eclipse IDE (我正在使用Oxygen)完成的。

I have searched the web unsuccessfully for one. 我没有在网上搜索到一个。

Can anyone point me in the right direction... 谁能指出我正确的方向...

In the end I managed to create a simple tomcat web app using the oc tool as described in this article: Getting Started with JBoss Web Server 最后,我设法使用oc工具创建了一个简单的tomcat Web应用程序 ,如本文所述: JBoss Web Server入门

I also tried to follow the process using the Web Console but it seems to have changed a lot and I was unsuccessful... 我也尝试使用Web Console遵循该过程,但似乎发生了很大变化,但未成功...

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