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[英]How to add active class on scroll in jQuery?

Here's a demo in Plunker. 这是Plunker的一个演示。

I have a few div elements with data-msid ('1', '2', '3'), and each one has a corresponding li in footer with data-msidatrr ('1', '2', '3'). 我有一些带有data-msid ('1','2','3')的div元素, data-msid元素都有一个对应的li in footer with data-msidatrr ('1','2','3') 。


I want to add active class on footer li when the user scrolls and the corresponding div becomes visible in viewport . 我希望在用户滚动时在footer li上添加活动类,并在viewport显示相应的div


When id='first' data-msid="1" appears in the viewport, li data-msidatrr="1" in footer should have an active class, and so on for the rest of the div and footer li . id='first' data-msid="1"出现在视口中时,页脚中的li data-msidatrr="1"应该有一个active类,对于divfooter li的其余部分依此类推。

Here's my jQuery code: 这是我的jQuery代码:

    $.fn.isOnScreen = function(){
        var win = $(window);

        var viewport = {
            top : win.scrollTop(),
            left : win.scrollLeft()

        viewport.right = viewport.left + win.width();
        viewport.bottom = viewport.top + win.height();

        var bounds = this.offset();
        bounds.right = bounds.left + this.outerWidth();
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + this.outerHeight();

        return ( ! (
            viewport.right < bounds.left ||
            viewport.left > bounds.right ||
            viewport.bottom < bounds.top ||
            viewport.top > bounds.bottom
    }; /* END $.fn.isOnScreen */

    $( "#container" ).scroll(function() {

        $.each( $('#container>div'), function(i, left) {
            var msid = $(left).attr('data-msid');
}) /* END $(function() */

Here's a working JSFiddle. 这是一个有效的JSFiddle。

First, you have some errors in your HTML and jQuery: 首先,你的HTML和jQuery中有一些错误:

<!-- wrong div id -->
<div id='second' data-msid="12">
<!-- correct div id -->
<div id='second' data-msid="2">

<!-- wrong -->
<li class='item data-msidatrr="3"'>third</li>
<!-- correct -->
<li class='item' data-msidatrr="3">third</li>

// wrong
// correct
$(".fC li[data-msidatrr='" + msid + "']").addClass('active');

Second, consider using this neat function to detect if a div is visible in your #container on scroll: (credits to reference) 其次,考虑使用这个简洁的函数来检测在滚动的#container是否可以看到div :( 引用的信用)

function isScrolledToView(el) {
    var container = document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect();
    var div = el.getBoundingClientRect();

    console.log('container.top = '+container.top+'; container.bottom = '+container.bottom)

    return ((div.top >= container.top) && (div.top <= container.bottom));

The code above will simplify your code, since you won't be needing $.fn.isOnScreen anymore. 上面的代码将简化您的代码,因为您将不再需要$.fn.isOnScreen

BONUS (optional): 奖金(可选):

  • enclose your HTML element attributes with double quotes, not single quotes: 用双引号括起HTML元素属性,而不是单引号:
    • id="container" NOT id='container' id="container" NOT id='container'
  • in the case of your third and fourth div, they will be "active" at the same time because of their short height, so you might want to do something with it. 在你的thirdfourth div的情况下,由于它们的高度很短,它们将同时“活跃”,所以你可能想要用它做一些事情。

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