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How to add active class on scroll in jQuery?

Here's a demo in Plunker.

I have a few div elements with data-msid ('1', '2', '3'), and each one has a corresponding li in footer with data-msidatrr ('1', '2', '3').


I want to add active class on footer li when the user scrolls and the corresponding div becomes visible in viewport .


When id='first' data-msid="1" appears in the viewport, li data-msidatrr="1" in footer should have an active class, and so on for the rest of the div and footer li .

Here's my jQuery code:

    $.fn.isOnScreen = function(){
        var win = $(window);

        var viewport = {
            top : win.scrollTop(),
            left : win.scrollLeft()

        viewport.right = viewport.left + win.width();
        viewport.bottom = viewport.top + win.height();

        var bounds = this.offset();
        bounds.right = bounds.left + this.outerWidth();
        bounds.bottom = bounds.top + this.outerHeight();

        return ( ! (
            viewport.right < bounds.left ||
            viewport.left > bounds.right ||
            viewport.bottom < bounds.top ||
            viewport.top > bounds.bottom
    }; /* END $.fn.isOnScreen */

    $( "#container" ).scroll(function() {

        $.each( $('#container>div'), function(i, left) {
            var msid = $(left).attr('data-msid');
}) /* END $(function() */

Here's a working JSFiddle.

First, you have some errors in your HTML and jQuery:

<!-- wrong div id -->
<div id='second' data-msid="12">
<!-- correct div id -->
<div id='second' data-msid="2">

<!-- wrong -->
<li class='item data-msidatrr="3"'>third</li>
<!-- correct -->
<li class='item' data-msidatrr="3">third</li>

// wrong
// correct
$(".fC li[data-msidatrr='" + msid + "']").addClass('active');

Second, consider using this neat function to detect if a div is visible in your #container on scroll: (credits to reference)

function isScrolledToView(el) {
    var container = document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect();
    var div = el.getBoundingClientRect();

    console.log('container.top = '+container.top+'; container.bottom = '+container.bottom)

    return ((div.top >= container.top) && (div.top <= container.bottom));

The code above will simplify your code, since you won't be needing $.fn.isOnScreen anymore.

BONUS (optional):

  • enclose your HTML element attributes with double quotes, not single quotes:
    • id="container" NOT id='container'
  • in the case of your third and fourth div, they will be "active" at the same time because of their short height, so you might want to do something with it.

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