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[英]Custom loss function implementation

I'm trying to implement a new loss function of my own. 我正在尝试实现自己的新损失功能。 When I tried to debug it (or print in it) I've noticed it is called only once at the model creating section of the code. 当我尝试对其进行调试(或打印)时,我注意到在代码的模型创建部分仅对其调用了一次。

How can I know what y_pred and y_true contains (shapes, data etc..) if I cannot run my code into this function while fitting the model? 如果在拟合模型时无法将代码运行到该函数中,如何知道y_pred和y_true包含哪些内容(形状,数据等)?

I wrote this loss function: 我写了这个损失函数:

def my_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    # run over the sequence, jump by 3
    # calc the label
    # if the label incorrect punish

    y_pred = K.reshape(y_pred, (1, 88, 3))

    y_pred = K.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)

    zero_count = K.sum(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 0))
    one_count = K.sum(K.clip(y_pred, 1, 1))
    two_count = K.sum(K.clip(y_pred, 2, 2))

    zero_punish = 1 - zero_count / K.count_params(y_true)
    one_punish = 1- one_count/ K.count_params(y_true)
    two_punish = 1- two_count/ K.count_params(y_true)

    false_arr = K.not_equal(y_true, y_pred)

    mask0 = K.equal(y_true, K.zeros_like(y_pred))
    mask0_miss = K.dot(false_arr, mask0) * zero_punish

    mask1 = K.equal(y_true, K.ones_like(y_pred))
    mask1_miss = K.dot(false_arr, mask1) * one_punish

    mask2 = K.equal(y_true, K.zeros_like(y_pred)+2)
    mask2_miss = K.dot(false_arr, mask2) * two_punish

    return K.sum(mask0_miss) + K.sum(mask1_miss) + K.sum(mask2_miss)

It fails on: 它在以下方面失败:

theano.gof.fg.MissingInputError: A variable that is an input to the graph was 
neither provided as an input to the function nor given a value. A chain of 
variables leading from this input to an output is [/dense_1_target, Shape.0]. 
This chain may not be unique
Backtrace when the variable is created:

How can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

You have to understand that Theano is a symbolic language. 您必须了解Theano是一种象征性语言。 For example, when we define the following loss function in Keras: 例如,当我们在Keras中定义以下损失函数时:

def myLossFn(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.mean(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)

Theano is just making a symbolic rule in a computational graph, which would be executed when it gets values ie when you train the model with some mini-batches. Theano只是在计算图中制定一个符号规则,当它获得值时即在您使用一些小批量训练模型时将执行该规则。

As far as your question on how to debug your model goes, you can use theano.function for that. 至于关于如何调试模型的问题,可以使用theano.function Now, you want to know if your loss calculation is correct. 现在,您想知道损失计算是否正确。 You do the following. 您执行以下操作。

You can implement the python/numpy version of your loss function. 您可以实现损失函数的python / numpy版本。 Pass two random vectors to your numpy-loss-function and get a number. 将两个随机向量传递给numpy-loss-function并获得一个数字。 To verify if theano gives nearly identical result, define something as follows. 要验证theano是否给出几乎相同的结果,请定义以下内容。

import theano
from theano import tensor as T
from keras import backend as K

Y_true = T.frow('Y_true')
Y_pred = T.fcol('Y_pred')
out = K.mean(K.abs(Y_pred - Y_true), axis=-1)

f = theano.function([Y_true, Y_pred], out)

# creating some values
y_true = np.random.random((10,))
y_pred = np.random.random((10,))

numpy_loss_result = np.mean(np.abs(y_true-y_pred))
theano_loss_result = f(y_true, y_pred)

# check if both are close enough
print numpy_loss_result-theano_loss_result # should be less than 1e-5

Basically, theano.function is a way to put values and evaluate those symbolic expressions. 基本上, theano.function是一种放置值并评估这些符号表达式的方法。 I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

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