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[英]Android: How to detect if a user is running 6.0.1, not 6.0

I am developing an Android app which uses many of the new Unicode Emoji. 我正在开发一个使用许多新的Unicode表情符号的Android应用程序。 I have tested the app on both Android 6.0 and 6.0.1, and I have discovered that because the app uses the new emoji and only 6.0.1 supports the new emoji, that the app doesn't work on Android 6.0. 我已经在Android 6.0和6.0.1上测试了该应用程序,但我发现由于该应用程序使用新的表情符号,而只有6.0.1支持新的表情符号,因此该应用程序无法在Android 6.0上运行。

I would like to set the minimum SDK version to 6.0.1, but there is no way to differentiate 6.0 and 6.0.1 since both are SDK level 23. 我想将最低SDK版本设置为6.0.1,但是由于两者均为SDK级别23,因此无法区分6.0和6.0.1。

Is there a way to detect if a user is running 6.0.1, not 6.0? 有没有一种方法可以检测用户是否正在运行6.0.1,而不是6.0?

I would hope that all devices that once had 6.0 have been upgraded to 6.0.1 by now. 我希望所有曾经具有6.0的设备现在都已升级到6.0.1。

That being said, you can try examining Build.VERSION.RELEASE , though some manufacturers might tinker with this. 话虽如此,您可以尝试检查Build.VERSION.RELEASE ,尽管某些制造商可能会对此进行修改。

Check android.os.Build.VERSION . 检查android.os.Build.VERSION

  • RELEASE : The user-visible version string. RELEASE :用户可见的版本字符串。 Eg, "1.0" or "3.4b5". 例如,“ 1.0”或“ 3.4b5”。

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