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如何使用android 6.0.1在2013 nexus 7上添加sockethandler到logcat?

[英]How to add a sockethandler to logcat on a 2013 nexus 7 with android 6.0.1?

doing something naive like: 做一些天真的事情:

SocketHandler socketHandler=new SocketHandler(host,service);
Logger global=Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME);

does not seems to work. 似乎不起作用。

edit: global.severe("foo") does work. 编辑:global.severe(“foo”)确实有效。 but the rest of the logcat messages do not appear. 但其余的logcat消息不会出现。

i would like all (or most) of the logcat messages to go to the log server. 我希望所有(或大多数)logcat消息都转到日志服务器。

I think you also need LogRecord , see example below: 我想你也需要LogRecord ,见下面的例子:

    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("concrete.log");

    Handler handle = new SocketHandler("localhost", 8080);

    LogRecord logRec = new LogRecord(Level.INFO, "Log will be recorded");


    handle.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter());


    logger.info("socket handler info message");

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