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[英]Open source library to get geotags from images?

Is there an open source library to efficiently and reliably get geotags from an image? 是否有一个开源库可以高效可靠地从图像中获取地理标记?

I want something system agnostic, hence a library instead of a program. 我想要一些与系统无关的东西,因此需要一个库而不是一个程序。 I would love something well documented and in Python but any language works. 我希望有一些文档和Python,但任何语言都有效。

I'm not looking for exif reader per se, not all geotags are stored in exif. 我不是在寻找exif阅读器本身,并不是所有地理标记都存储在exif中。 I want something that can find geotags independent of how they are stored in the image's metadata. 我想要一些可以找到地理标记的东西,而不管它们如何存储在图像的元数据中。

I maintain the MetadataExtractor library which supports GPS data along with many other kinds of metadata. 我维护MetadataExtractor库,它支持GPS数据以及许多其他类型的元数据。

It has implementations in: 它有以下实现:

Here's a sample that produces a Google Map from a batch of images: 这是一个从一批图像中生成Google Map的示例:

https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor/blob/master/Samples/com/drew/metadata/GeoTagMapBuilder.java https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor/blob/master/Samples/com/drew/metadata/GeoTagMapBuilder.java

You can use GDAL (even though it may be overkill). 你可以使用GDAL (即使它可能有点过分)。

The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a computer software library for reading and writing raster and vector geospatial data formats, and is released under the permissive X/MIT style free software license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. 地理空间数据抽象库(GDAL)是一个用于读取和编写栅格和矢量地理空间数据格式的计算机软件库,由开源地理空间基金会在许可的X / MIT风格免费软件许可下发布。

The advantage of GDAL is that it supports a huge number of geotagged formats . GDAL的优势在于它支持大量的地理标记格式

If you want to do a quick test on your data, there is an utility app that should print what you want. 如果您想对数据进行快速测试,可以使用实用程序应用程序打印您想要的内容。

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